Chance of any cyber-related officer AFSC?


Jun 30, 2021
If I were to major in Cyber Science and do well in said major, what do you guys think would be the chances of me landing an AFSC in cyberspace? Would my major actually play a big role in this scenario? Should I have a ton of background in coding and/or Cyber security principles?
Most of the academy grads I talked to in my comm squadron said it’s pretty much a guarantee to get a cyber AFSC after the academy. Your major does not matter; however, it does help to have some cyber background.

I'd say from speaking with multiple 17D's and 17S's, 17D's take on a more leadership position earlier in their career (e.g Network Operations Officer), while the 17S's are more technical earlier in their career, (e.g Offensive/Defensive Operations). Most of the 17S I talked with were doing hands-on scripting, coding, etc while the 17D were the OIC of a flight.

This post is helpful:
Major does matter to an extent. The 17D and 17S career fields have "target accession rates" for degrees that fall into certain categories. For example, 17D has a "mandatory" target accession rate that 70% of new officers should have a degree listed in the 17D education matrix of the Air Force Officer Classification Directory. Check page 270 and 271. There are a lot of degrees on the list. Most of them are considered "techie" and are either directly relevant or adjacent to some aspect of cyber.

The target is for only 5-10% of new accessions to have something "non-techie" like an English or History degree. Though it is still possible.