Chances of getting accepted into the academy?


New Member
Jan 29, 2018
I am currently a junior in high school looking to join the USAFA. I am in the top 7% of my class (ranking 45) with a weighted GPA of 98.6 and scored a 1190 on my PSAT. I know I could do a lot better on my actual SAT and will be taking my ACT soon. That said, is it likely that I'll be competitive enough to get accepted into the academy? If not, is there a chance that I'll be able to pick myself up to their standards?
As you will read through many of the other "rank me" threads, none of really know all of the components of the WCS, and the small snapshot you provided above does not provide nearly enough information for us to provide an informed assessment.

That said, I would recommend that you read and become familiar with all of the material at the USAFA admissions site (e.g. The PSAT score you listed is well below the average SAT scores listed. Make sure you work hard to maximize your standardize testing scores, keep active in a couple of sports, take on leadership responsibilities in extra-curricular activities, and stay out of trouble. Make sure you are applying for yourself (not your parents, grandparents, etc.) and let your passion to join the AF show through in your application essays and interviews.

You will never know if you are competitive unless you apply. Good luck.
WCS = Whole Candidate Score

It's how the Admissions office ranks applicants.