Sorry...I don't want to burst your bubble, but don't get your hopes up on getting your scholarship transferred. Our son was awarded a 4-year NROTC scholarship to Ohio State (#2 on his list), but had his heart set on Penn State because that's the only university that offers the major that he is pursuing. He received the offer January 26th, 2009 and immediately put in his request to have it transferred to Penn State and was in "the top 4" on the waitlist. After talking to several people in Penn State's NROTC, we were told that as long as he is in the top 10 on the waiting list, we shouldn't have anything to worry about. So, we decided to take our chances, believing, as we had been told, that the scholarship would probably get transferred. And here we are, August 10th, sending him off to Penn State this Sunday for NROTC freshman orientation...on our own dime. Unfortunately, we are out-of-state, so we'll be writing a check to Penn State tomorrow for...$17,500...just for the fall semester. UGH!
To top it all off, due to budget cuts, none of their college program freshman this year received 3 1/2 or 3 year NROTC scholarships. We don't know if that will be the same situation next year, but our son knows that he has to pursue every scholarship opportunity available from the minute he arrives at Penn State if he wants to stay there. We just can't afford 4 years of out-of-state tuition.
So...I have no good advice on what to do. It definitely did not work out in our favor, and he has been in the top 4 on the waiting list since January 27th. He is very excited to go to Penn State, though, and we are excited and happy for him, just praying for a 3 1/2 or 3 year NROTC or PNS scholarship now! Good Luck!!!
P.S. I posted here about our situation a few weeks ago. I think the thread says something like "Penn State NROTC Waitlist" if you'd like to read it.