Changing NROTC assingnment...


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Apr 3, 2008
I got my notice of a 4yr scholarship today!!:biggrin:


its to my 3rd choice school University of Idaho where I don't want to go:frown:

I read that you can submit a request to change assingments, does anyone know if the requests are ever granted?
I already enrolled at the University of Washington which was my number one choice.
From my understanding, they are granted. The recruiter at my son's #1 choice said that once things settle down with students making decisions where they want to go, slots open up in units.

My son put in a request for a change yesterday. Today, he received an email to say that he is waitlisted and told that they don't pull from the waitlist until mid June!:eek:

I guess I will have to send in a deposit to both schools. Hopefully, the transfer will come sooner than mid-June. It would be nice to know where my son is going before then!

My suggestion is for you to follow the instructions on the letter you got and submit your request in writing by email as soon as possible. Another suggestion is to contact the recruiter at the unit where you want to go and tell him/her the situtation. Maybe you can get some good advice.
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grats dan!!! :)

you didn't get your first two choices because they were full of 4-yr scholarships, even though you were accepted to #1. but students will change their mind and new slots open up.

one of the girls on wasn't able to get her first choice of Penn State because it was full. she was advised to call the NROTC unit at Penn State first before she did anything and discuss it with them, before even submitting the formal request to NTSC. she did that, and now i understand it is looking pretty hopeful for her. i can put you in touch with her if you want.
Be sure to put good reasons for the change.

Also include:
your last four digits of ss
your phone number
your address
your email address
the school you want to switch from and to

Good luck
VMIN - Are you by any chance referring to my daughter, katieh? She posted on the airwarriors site about this and what you describe sounds just like her situation...
yeah my buddy got a scholarship to Miami of Ohio for NROTC but had his heart set on Marquette. what should he do? Will spots open up?
VMIN - Are you by any chance referring to my daughter, katieh? She posted on the airwarriors site about this and what you describe sounds just like her situation...

Yep! that sounds like her. I read her blurb on airwarriors about this! how is she doing? did she get Penn? :biggrin:
yeah my buddy got a scholarship to Miami of Ohio for NROTC but had his heart set on Marquette. what should he do? Will spots open up?

I would suggest he contact the unit at Marquette before submitting a request for transfer.
VMIN- She called NTSC last week and is in the top 3 for transfer (they wouldnt give her an exact placement). The coordinator at Peen State said that spots will start opening up and usually those on the top 10 of the waiting list are admitted. We are keeping fingers crossed; it looks pretty good. She is awaiting her DODMERB clearance - the optometrist replyed to concorde the day of the exam but it looks like the MD is going to take the whole 30!
I am glad to hear that the NTSC would give her some answers.

How long ago did your daughter ask for her transfer?
The day after she received her acceptance - which would have been the last week in Feb. There just isnt a lot of movement until the acedemy appointments and college acceptances come out.
My son's message from them is that they don't pull from the waitlist until mid-June. :eek:
I recieved notice yesterday that I was put on the wait list for the University of Washington.
Update on those tranferors pulled from waitlist

It would be nice if those who previously posted about life on the waitlist updated the specifics of whther they were successful in getting into theor transferee school.
It would be nice if those who previously posted about life on the waitlist updated the specifics of whther they were successful in getting into theor transferee school.

After an anxious wait, my son successfully transferred his scholarship to the school of his choice. He had to wait until early May when some of the unit's "full lists" cleared up with other students not being accepted to that school or transferring their scholarships from that unit to another.

It took patience and persistence!
Wait list update

After 127 days on the wait list, my son was finally offered a spot at his #1 school, 2 days before tuition was due, and 1 week before he was to report to his assigned school. It was a very long process but we are glad it worked out.

My advice to our 2nd son is to apply earlier in the scholarship season so this doesn't happen to him. I don't think my nerves can take another "wait list".

Navy Wife
Sorry...I don't want to burst your bubble, but don't get your hopes up on getting your scholarship transferred. Our son was awarded a 4-year NROTC scholarship to Ohio State (#2 on his list), but had his heart set on Penn State because that's the only university that offers the major that he is pursuing. He received the offer January 26th, 2009 and immediately put in his request to have it transferred to Penn State and was in "the top 4" on the waitlist. After talking to several people in Penn State's NROTC, we were told that as long as he is in the top 10 on the waiting list, we shouldn't have anything to worry about. So, we decided to take our chances, believing, as we had been told, that the scholarship would probably get transferred. And here we are, August 10th, sending him off to Penn State this Sunday for NROTC freshman orientation...on our own dime. Unfortunately, we are out-of-state, so we'll be writing a check to Penn State tomorrow for...$17,500...just for the fall semester. UGH!

To top it all off, due to budget cuts, none of their college program freshman this year received 3 1/2 or 3 year NROTC scholarships. We don't know if that will be the same situation next year, but our son knows that he has to pursue every scholarship opportunity available from the minute he arrives at Penn State if he wants to stay there. We just can't afford 4 years of out-of-state tuition.

So...I have no good advice on what to do. It definitely did not work out in our favor, and he has been in the top 4 on the waiting list since January 27th. He is very excited to go to Penn State, though, and we are excited and happy for him, just praying for a 3 1/2 or 3 year NROTC or PNS scholarship now! Good Luck!!!

P.S. I posted here about our situation a few weeks ago. I think the thread says something like "Penn State NROTC Waitlist" if you'd like to read it.