Class Size?


10-Year Member
Sep 12, 2006
I'm curious about what would happen if more appointees accept than the expected number? I have read that about 400 appointments go out to make a class of about 275. So what happens if more accept their appointment? Like 320 or so? Does the date of acceptance matter? i.e. if one accepts the appointment early or waits till May 1.
Has this ever happened before?
Have no fear they will not send you home. All colleges accept more students than they have room for. They know from statistical analyses over the years how many to accept to make a full class.
If more show up they make room for them and accept fewer the next year.
I know that most (if not all ) colleges send out more offers based on some statistical analysis - my daughter's college got caught the year after she started and had a huge incoming class one year. I have heard of colleges not having enough housing available and so students live in converted lounges, hotel rooms, etc. I just wondered if this might have happened at one of the service academies and esp CGA since it is so much smaller.
I read a comment somewhere that said if more kids show up than what the academy wants, they make swab summer a little 'harder'. :wink:
OhioMom88 said:
I know that most (if not all ) colleges send out more offers based on some statistical analysis - my daughter's college got caught the year after she started and had a huge incoming class one year. I have heard of colleges not having enough housing available and so students live in converted lounges, hotel rooms, etc. I just wondered if this might have happened at one of the service academies and esp CGA since it is so much smaller.

My alma mater required freshman to live on campus. A couple of years while I was there, they too "got caught" and were forced to put three kids in dorm rooms designed for two and set up barracks style housing in big basement rooms. Those basement rooms were called "The Pits". By the end of fall term, enough kids said, "I'm not living like this anymore," and they moved elsewhere. Problem solved.
My son's class had 307 report for swab summer, due to the fact that more decided to accept the appointment than expected. The buzz was that they were going to make swab summer "harder" on the kids. I guess it worked as 36 kids dropped that summer.

Subsequently and due in part to the reconstruction at Chase Hall, they knew they had to have smaller entering classes. Thus they last year and this year offered fewer appointments, with the goal of approximately 275 entering this summer. That is close to last year's 274 to start off.

But be assured that if you are offered an appointment and accept by May 1, you're good to go. It's a difficult balancing act for the Academy but I think this means fewer appointments overall.
Interesting. and their is always unfortunatly student that drop out during swab summer.If I had someone who wanted to quit I would do everything I could to convince him or her otherwise.Hard Works always pays off in the end1:smile:
Lesya25 said:
Interesting. and their is always unfortunatly student that drop out during swab summer.If I had someone who wanted to quit I would do everything I could to convince him or her otherwise.Hard Works always pays off in the end1:smile:

"Pain is temporary, quitting lasts forever"

Unfortunately a lot of kids go to academies(not just CGA) for the wrong reasons, such as

It's free:rolleyes:

my parents want me to:eek:

it's cool:biggrin:

nice uniforms:shake:

bragging rights:unhappy:

etc. etc.:yllol:

CGA specific-it's not like being in the military:wink:

These kids usually end up leaving, if not in swab summer then soon after. You have to REALLY want it. Want to serve, want to improve yourself, want to persevere.
O I do want it. Badly! And I would NOT be the one who quits. not now and not ever! I don't mind being yelled at.
I'm sure that is true. I'm pulling for you that for sure. Even if you're competing with my dd. ha ha