Many people say that having a job lined up after graduation is a huge draw of the coast guard academy. Call me naive and reckless but I am not sure how much the Coast Guard Academy would be respected when compared to UNC- Chapel Hill in either computer science of business or NC State as part of the Honors Program and Engineering College. If for instance I was finding work outside of the DoD how is USCGA viewed? I am not knocking USCGA in any way but at least from what I've seen not many people even know what it is. I am not very concerned with job security after graduating college or the burden of college tuition since my parents are very generous and I am in-state for both schools. The main reason I am asking this is because my physics teacher went to UNC and worked for the navy in a secretive weapons and aircraft development group closely with civilians. He honestly my role model in life and most interesting man I have ever met. Is becoming him after going to UNC realistic or an exception? Would I get opportunities like that going to USCGA?
You may be giving UNC-Chapel Hill and certainly NC State (especially in-state) a little more weight than they typically deserve.
The Coast Guard Academy is small, and less well-known that the three larger service academies, but it's certainly not disrespected. When the Board members at my employer found out that I was a Coast Guard Academy graduate, they were impressed. And they came from an impressive background (Rice, Harvard, Yale, Oxford, Cambridge).
The Coast Guard (and Coast Guard Academy) aren't under DOD, so it might be equally telling to ask how CGA is viewed from inside DOD.
I left the Coast Guard after five years. It took me a little time to find a job, but it was a horrible time to look and I probably wasn't doing it right. Now I make far more than I made in the Coast Guard, and certainly more than I would have been making straight out of school.
To your final questions, you'll meet plenty of people who worked in "secretive weapons" but the real secretive guys don't tell you that. Could you become him after UNC (as in, be a weapons guy, then working in high school) sure, I don't see why not. Could that be you after CGA? Maybe, but more likely it will suck you in and you'll enjoy your work.
I'd recommend you do a little more research. You seem more interested in the imagine, than the actual service it entails. Read up on CGA, read up on NROTC (I know UNC has it) and figure out what you want to do.