You nailed it Navy Dad. I'm a freshman hoping to go to the Academy so I'm definitely not the most knowledgeable source of information but from what I've been able to gain insight on, they want to see what you did to impact and change your community for the better. Basically everybody that is competitive for a SA appointment is likely going to be team captains, flight commanders, and presidents of their clubs, etc. You need to show them what makes you more qualified and why they should pick you. Set goals for yourself and your team that are difficult yet achievable. They want to see you do things you thought you couldn't do or that are outside of your comfort zone but you did it anyways and came out the other side stronger. Along those same lines, they want to see how YOU motivated others to accomplish things they though they couldn't do. For example, I am considering organizing a 5K next spring that will hopefully bring my community together and show leadership skills seeing as you have to organize getting permits, security, run ads, get T-shirts, and whole bunch of other stuff. Please don't think I'm trying to boast because I'm not. I think I might have ran off subject but hopefully that makes sense and is of some help. Sorry for any grammatical errors. Good luck!