Conditional vs. Principal


5-Year Member
Nov 9, 2010
Whats the difference between Conditional and Principal nomination. I've searched the forums and the USMMA catalog makes a mention of the two but I was looking for someone to give a clear cut definition of the difference between Conditional and Principal nominations.

Conditional- conditions Yet to be met to obtain appointment offer ie, DOdmerb clearance, passing PFA, congressional nomination. If you meet these criteria you get a principal appointment.

Principal- conditions have been met to offer appointment or appointment offered straight away.

This is How I understand it, leaving room for error but jumping in to answer to give the long time posters a break.

New kid on the block here:redface:

Both were happy days for us! Next come the FedEx envelope! :cool:
Just wanted to make sure I wasn't celbrating too soon. Online status went to conditional today, but I havent done my DoDmerb.

But nomniation and PFA are in the bag. Is that why on my status page it says "MEDICAL STATUS".... I guess so? But besides that I'm in right? I still don't belive it!
When you get your LOA letter (conditional) it will most likely say something about continued outstanding success in school as well. So flunking and getting arrested would probably deal breakers! Also like I told my kid when hubby mentioned snow skiing this year,,,Dont Even Think About It! You will find lots of references to "bubble wrapping" yourself now! Good luck!
Bubble wrapping? I was thinking temperpedic foam! Thanks everone, I couldn't be more exicted!
... Also like I told my kid when hubby mentioned snow skiing this year,,,Dont Even Think About It! You will find lots of references to "bubble wrapping" yourself now! Good luck!

Good Luck with that thought - when our son got all his stuff done and LOA he still had a full season of High School Lacrosse between then and reporting to Indoc...LOL
Yeah I had not thought about it that much. My son did Track and Field (Pole Vaulting) after accepting his appointment. Life goes on. :smile:
Pole vaulting seems so dangerous! Why not just have jousting? DS is a swimmer so pretty safe except for the slick tile and concrete everywhere, oh dear! You think he will wake up tonight when I am scuffing up the bottom of his feet with sandpaper,,,,more traction?
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Flip turn accident?:eek: Fell off the block? :eek: Now they do play underwater football and it gets pretty rough, battle scars are trophies to be proud of. How did the injury occur? If that is not too personal. Divers I can see, their have nerves of steel! Nuts!
Abandon ship drills. Hit the water too hard and dislocated his shoulder.
I remember some pretty rough water polo games between morning and afternoon swim practices - just for fun...