confusion on sign up for 2019 graduate


New Member
Jul 28, 2017
Son will graduate high school in 2019. Interested in Army scholarship looking at VMI, Citadel and Norwich. I thought for the 4 year scholarship he had to turn his application in June of this year, but one ROTC recruiter told him not to start until June. Which is correct?
Son will graduate high school in 2019. Interested in Army scholarship looking at VMI, Citadel and Norwich. I thought for the 4 year scholarship he had to turn his application in June of this year, but one ROTC recruiter told him not to start until June. Which is correct?
I'm not sure of the actual start date, but it is not now...they are still working on the 2018 graduating class. So it would make sense to be a START date of June of 2018 for your DS.
Son will graduate high school in 2019. Interested in Army scholarship looking at VMI, Citadel and Norwich. I thought for the 4 year scholarship he had to turn his application in June of this year, but one ROTC recruiter told him not to start until June. Which is correct?

Hello, I am a current junior as well and I am applying to West Point along with AROTC scholarships at a few schools in the future.

I tried to start filling out an application a few weeks ago for ROTC, however it stopped me after the first few steps saying that I was too young.

I am not sure if it in fact opens in June but I am confident that it was not due this past June. I hope that answers your question or makes it a little clearer. Someone with more experience on this topic may be able to clarify better.

Good luck!
Son will graduate high school in 2019. Interested in Army scholarship looking at VMI, Citadel and Norwich. I thought for the 4 year scholarship he had to turn his application in June of this year, but one ROTC recruiter told him not to start until June. Which is correct?

Hello, I am a current junior as well and I am applying to West Point along with AROTC scholarships at a few schools in the future.

I tried to start filling out an application a few weeks ago for ROTC, however it stopped me after the first few steps saying that I was too young.

I am not sure if it in fact opens in June but I am confident that it was not due this past June. I hope that answers your question or makes it a little clearer. Someone with more experience on this topic may be able to clarify better.

Good luck!
that's what he got, I would think you need to have info end as soon as school ends that seems late
June 12th 2017 is when AROTC application opened for the current graduating class of 2018
No it isn't late at all. The documents, interviews, test scores, etc. will not be due until late September before the first board meets in October. They use High School grades through the end of Junior year, so it would make sense the application would open after the end of the school year. Most applicants do not finish their applications until much later, for the second and third boards. Only about 300 scholarships are awarded the first board, historically, with more like 1000 on each of the last two boards. Good luck, and just focus on grades, studying for ACT/SAT (as scores matter), school activities, especially with leadership, and get/stay fit for the fitness test. It will go faster than you think it will!
Starting this coming June 2018 is correct. I graduate H.S. 2018 and I am still waiting to hear back from AROTC (I finished my application in Oct 2017). The process will start in June and go thru the summer and fall of your son's senior year.