Congrats to Sen. Jim Webb


10-Year Member
Jun 9, 2006
Congrats to Sen. Jim Webb on the signing (finally) of the New GI Bill. Despite the continuous opposition of the Bush folks and war hero John McCain the bill is now law.:thumb:
Are you disparaging McCain's service? :rolleyes:
I was under the impressions that the "new" GI bill was Webb's pet project and he was instrumental in writing it - in any case it was signed - actually a compromise of the original - was signed by President Bush:

My understanding also is that McCain's objection was fear of a mass exodus of servicemen and women - not sure how that would happen exactly given the stop-loss that is still in effect.

All of that said - IMO - it is possible to disagree with someone on a policy issue and not be disparaging their honorable service to this country. The two are not mutually exclusive.
My understanding also is that McCain's objection was fear of a mass exodus of servicemen and women - not sure how that would happen exactly given the stop-loss that is still in effect.

That was my understanding as well of the original version. I cannot comment on this new version as I know nothing of it.

Regardless, if it helps the troops without harming the military as an establishment (as the original apparently did), then I'm all for it.
I am happy to see this becuase it is the right thing to do. We should make educational opportunities available to our service members and veterans. It is also important to remember this is an earned benefit not a gift. It isn't something to be bestowed by one political party or the other. The cost of that benefit must also be measured it isn't free. Someones money has to be taken from them in order to pay this benefit. I am not interested in the arguments about one side spending money better then the other because neither side has shown any integrity on that matter. I am happy to see the benefit expanded and enhanced because unlike many other programs these men and women have earned this benefit.
Sorry for that gratuitous smack at JMcC...that's the last thing I would do...I have admired him for many years, going back to 2000 when I thought he was probably the best candidate out there. I loved him on Imus but now I think he has changed so many of his core beliefs I couldn't vote for him. He is a war hero but I still am concerned about his opposition to the GI Bill.
McCain was in favor of a form of the bill where benefits would increase as time-in-service increased, and that is not how Webb origunally framed the bill.

Spinmeisters try to portray this distinction as MCain not supporting G.I. benefits, which is certainly NOT the case.
So far they have really hosed physicians in this bill with the current understanding. I know, pity doctors, but still this was a benefit that many military physicians used if they were doing civilian training or if they wanted to get an MBA or MPH or other similar degrees. The new bill does not allow physicians to use the GI Bill for residency training, but will continue to let us use it for MBA's or MPH's.

I'm still waiting for clarification if those of us who had to decline the GI Bill in the past (eg Service Academy graduates) are now elgible for the new GI Bill.