Ethands15, don't tell me you are from 13th Pennsylvanian District. I have an interview with my congresswoman tomorow as well. LOL.
Anyway, I am done with both of my senatorial interviews, and these are some questions that came up on both (probably important):
-US Government is willing to spend over $200,000 for your education and training. What will they get in return?
-Are you planning on making a carreer out of the Navy?
-How are you going to cope with all the physical and mental stress presented at the academy?
-What qualities do you think a good leader has, and how have you demonstrated those characteristics?
From time to time, they asked me an enormously long and complicated question, to which I did not have a direct and 'concise' answer to. What I did those situations was I tried to pick up key words and phrases, connect them together, and give my perspective on what it all means. For example: In view...geopolitical will effect the (the interviewer was asking me that question for almost a minute, I'm not kidding)
Hope this helps and good luck at your interview tomorow!