Congressional nominations at USCGA

Interesting article. This isn't so much about Congressional noms as it is about the CGA addressing their Congressional overseer's concerns about the number of black students admitted, graduated, and the climate for them while at the Academy. It appears that the noms is simply their way of saying if you don't fix it, we'll fix it for you ,and you may not like the way we chose to do it.
Attracting minority candidates who will succeed at CGA is always a challenge - CGA actively recruits minority candidates, but they cant make the best apply. As far as graduation rates of minority cadets, that speaks to the difficulty of attracting qualified minority candidates. I fail to see how congresspeople nominating candidates on the basis of skin color rather than their qualification will be a benefit for anyone. Is CGA different than any other academy in its representation and graduation rates?
Are you a white male? I have no CG experience, but have found that those in the majority don’t always pick up on bias and discrimination that others must overcome. I’m not judging your experience, just encouraging you to acknowledge that you might not be aware of some obstacles that other groups face.

I am sorry, but my race or gender (or being in the Majority or not as you put it) really has no bearing on my thoughts. Everyone I served with in the CG was "family" and it did not matter race, gender, or sexual preference. I saw people of ALL persuasions succeed and be successful. I served with GREAT people in the CG, it never mattered as to traits, only if they worked hard and were "there for you" when needed, and NEVER was I let down by my shipmates.

Do some groups face obstacles? Of course, there are hurdles to overcome (such as maybe a poor education system, lack of advanced courses, lack of knowledge of the military), but if someone wants to serve in the CG or attend the CGA, in my experience if they are qualified, put forth the effort, and work hard they are successful. The Academy prides itself on TRYING to recruit young people who otherwise may not even think of a CG career, but if those people are not interested Congressional appointments aren't going to change the matrix. It is more the mission of the CG that attracts or dissuades young people from joining. JMHO, but I would surmise that someone who has a motion sickness issue or is not a strong swimmer would opt for the Army or Air Force if they had the desire to serve, rather than the CG or Navy. Likewise, someone who has the desire to serve in the Maritime Services would consider the CG and CGA as one of their options.
Attracting minority candidates who will succeed at CGA is always a challenge - CGA actively recruits minority candidates, but they cant make the best apply.

Agreed, and high caliber minority candidates that are interested in the military are also being sought after by the big 3 (USAFA, USNA & USMA), not to mention other colleges and universities.

Of a related note, I went to a performance of the Coast Guard Band this past weekend and a friend remarked about the lack of minority musicians. I told them that it is not a lack of opportunity in the band, but rather a lack of minority musicians that apply for the openings.
Congress fixes very little and congressional nominations haven’t prevent or avoided issues at any of the other service academies.

What’s more interesting is the lack of diversity in Congress and their extremely inadequate sexual assault reporting system.