Could I get into Norwich University?


5-Year Member
Jul 16, 2012
I have.....
5 years of jrotc
2.9 gpa
Black belt in various martial arts
Community service
Work experience
Leadership experience
21 on ACT
joining a club or two when we get back to school
8 letters of recommendation
63 on ASVAB.....

I know my GPA isn't the best but, alot has happened, and I have had to come through adversity time, and time again. It would mean the world for me to get in.
Qualifications of Enrolled Freshmen
Average GPA 3.18
SAT Math 535 average
470-580 range of middle 50%
SAT Critical Reading 523 average
460-570 range of middle 50%
SAT Writing 499 average
430-540 range of middle 50%
ACT Composite 22 average
19-24 range of middle 50%

Looks like you have a shot, retake the ACT's and take the SAT's at least 2 times. Some people do better on one or the other, a low GPA would certainly be helped by higher test scores.
You definitely have a shot .. my sons GPA was not the best and his test scores were decent. Good luck to you!!!!