Countdown to the end of Swab Summer


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Retired Moderator
Jul 24, 2009
The Class of 2014 can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I'm confident they know how many hours there are until the end of Swab Summer. :biggrin:
<not that they are looking forward to Sea Trials> :redface:
Wait a they have watches?

I remember being scared at the end of Swab Summer. We were constantly reminded "The Corps" was returning, and would judge us. That was partially true.

The training doesn't stop with the end of Swab Summer. The academic year is strenuous for swabs as well. Only lucky part for swabs is that their 2/c have to worry about grades too.

They have about a year before the can comfortably breath again, and feel "normal." That normalcy however, will be nothing like they remember it.

Biggest changes over your cadet career. Putting on their shoulder boards with one diagonal stripe as a 3/c, and the feeling of being a firstie.
The times they are a changing :shake:
The thought of sea trials is terrifying to some and something some are looking forward to getting over with.
Most don't have a clue that the fun is just about to begin; you know how the juggling to get it all done is quite the challenge.
This was just a fun countdown...mostly for the 'rents.
I do know that our DD is looking forward to the academic year beginning. 7 weeks down 193 to go.
Hahaha, now that count down will be depressing.

The good thing for everyone to remember.....each year gets better and better and you'll be an expert at the end of being a cadet.

I had a classmate drop into my cube today from Louisiana...talked for awhile, some very very funny stories came up, about our swab summer.

Take swam summer seriously while you're there, but at the end of the day (4 years later), a number of those terrible memories will be funny.