Current Female Plebe - CBT Q&A


Feb 1, 2022
Hi all! I am a current female plebe in my second semester at USMA. I remember being appointed to the academy at this time last year, and not having many female resources/perspectives, so would like to open this thread to answer any questions that you may have from a girl's POV.
Thank you for starting this! I was wondering what you've found to be the most challenging part of plebe year so far and/or what you wish you knew going into it?
Thank you for starting this! I was wondering what you've found to be the most challenging part of plebe year so far and/or what you wish you knew going into it?
For me, the hardest part is that you can't befriend upperclassmen and you can't talk outside. I'm something of a social butterfly, so having to shut up and do plebe stuff can really bring me down.
When did you find out your reporting time on R-Day?
My parents didn't bring me up to USMA, they booked my ticket/shuttled to to hotel/shuttled me to USMA on R-Day, so for me, reporting time really didn't matter (It probably wont matter a whole lot for you either). Get there when you get there, do what you're told, and you'll do just fine ☺️
Can you tell us what a plebe can have once the AY starts?
This is a pretty big question to ask and not a super easy one to answer. During the AY, most upperclassmen drop the super strict military formalities that you have during training, and a lot of people shift from being seemingly really mean to people who just really care about you/your success.

You'll be assigned a Team Leader (a yuk) who will be responsible for you, and make sure that you take care of anything you need to do on the company/military side. (that'll change every semester)

You'll also have a ton of great instructors and a new challenge presented-- passing college courses... 😅

The biggest thing that's kept me going when the AY gets tough is finding clubs and church organizations on post where you can be yourself, and close friends in-company who make it all worthwhile.😊😊
What is more challenging for you? Limited social interaction, structured military routine or academics? What have prepare you well in high school in those regards?
What is more challenging for you? Limited social interaction, structured military routine or academics? What have prepare you well in high school in those regards?
I wouldn't say that any one pillar is more challenging than the other, but rather balancing the three and keeping sane. In the AY the military stuff tends to come pretty easily (formations/uniforms/reporting to class...) because everyone around you is doing the same thing. The plebe-specific things tend to wear you down a little more, but that's why you do it, to wear you down. Academics have never come easy to me, so I have to work very hard to make the grade, but you quickly realize that you're surrounded by smart people who are (usually) able and willing to help you out.

Don't stress so much about preparing in high school. If anything, use your senior year to have some fun. West Point is four years of constant development physically, academically, and militarily. Training is here to prepare you. Right now you have the gift of time and your family. Spend it, and enjoy it. 🤗

Sorry for such a long-winded answer to a simple question..😅