Cybernations anyone?

It looks interesting so I started one
Name is Devils5891
Yay im on, flyersboy114. What alliance should i join?

As far as starting out, join any alliance you wish. Most will offer you 3 million for joining aid, which is good. Message me on cybernations if you want more advice.

I recommend this site for new players:

Disregard the MFO alliance stuff. Go to the link and on the left, there should be 3 guides (New Player Guide, Improvements Guide, and Resource Guide). Don't worry about the Calculator stuff.

As far as starting an alliance, I'm not sure if many people would join. It would be quite sweet but very hard to maintain. Many big alliances would take us out in a heartbeat. We would have to make multiple treaties with many alliances. Even though my nation is 214-some odd days old, I don't have enough experience and the know-how to run an alliance.
Hi, sorry for intruding, I was searching up Cybernations related and it led me here...also i doubly apologize if I am not allowed to post here without being part of the Service Academy, since I know there are some sites that don't allow random visitors. Umm, I'll get to the point I guess.

My name is Xineoph, current Minister of Internal Affairs in The Legion. The reason I come here is to offer protection to you guys if you do so wish to create your own alliance. We'll advise you treaties based off on our persepctive, as well as treaties you would like to make yourselves, but I promise we will not interfere in your foreign affairs, if we simply do not like the road you are headed in, we will likely just cancel our protectorate agreement, although with your newfound experience, hopefully you will be able to find another quickly. Of course aside from Foreign related matters, we would help you in any way we can.

If you don't decide to create your own alliance, I'm always here to help regardless. Once again, sorry if you consider this an intrusion of some kind.

I have grasped the basic point of the game. I am doing decent so far. I dont understand war alliances and trade, could someone explain
I have grasped the basic point of the game. I am doing decent so far. I dont understand war alliances and trade, could someone explain

Alliances - Alliances are a group of nations banding together under a set principle, alliances vary from ethnic (Such as the Dutch only FOK alliance), Economic (Since there are some Communist alliances), and everyone else. The everyone else is basically, whether or not you support attacking nations without alliances (or if you just like going to war alot) and whether or not you want lots of democracy or are happy just doing whatever the leadership tells you to do.

War - You can only attack or be attacked by someone within your Nation Strength range, there are plenty of advantages and disadvantages to war, so if you want to know something specific, I'll answer.

Trade - Trade is simple enough, you want to fill up your trade slots to boost up your economy or give yourself some bonus's (although usually all the resources affect your economy in one way or the other) You'll likely want stuff that lets you buy tech cheap and infra cheap.

Hope that helped.
Trade - Trade is simple enough, you want to fill up your trade slots to boost up your economy or give yourself some bonus's (although usually all the resources affect your economy in one way or the other) You'll likely want stuff that lets you buy tech cheap and infra cheap.

Hope that helped.

If I trade with someone do I keep my resources still?
If I trade with someone do I keep my resources still?

Yes you still keep your resources. The only difference is that now you get the bonus's from those resoucres that you are receiving as well as yours. As a new nation I would recommend filling up your trade slots asap. Make sure to buy infrastructure. You don't need to worry about tech until you're about at 5000 infrastructure. When you buy infrastucture, you get more people. So make sure that you're Population Per Mile is less than 60. You can find it on the "View Your Nation" page at the top. Next week I should be able to give both flyersboy and devil 3 million just cause. :shake:
Oh and make sure you have enough soldiers. Use this formula when you get done buying your infra. Make sure you buy infra in sets of 10.

Number of soldiers = Working Citizens*(.2) <--- soldiers should be at least 20% of your working citizens. and never more than 40%.

I'm just gonna go ahead and post alot of info.


The first, and most important thing, is trades. If you trade within your own “team color”, you receive a +1 Happiness bonus. +1 Happiness equates to extra money per day per citizen in taxes.

All that is well and good – but the next question, is what resources to pick? A full list of resources can be found here Starting resources are allocated randomly, so it’s not a question of picking good starting resources. The key is picking resources that fit your specific goals as a nation. Early on, this means a lower infrastructure purchase/upkeep cost, increased citizen count, and improved citizen income. This means aiming for resources such as Lumber, Marble, Aluminium or Gold.

Another consideration is bonus resources. A bonus resource is granted if you have a specific combination of trade resources, and can be extremely beneficial to your nation. One example is Steel. This lowers the initial purchase cost of infrastucture by -2%, on top of the -9% bonus from the Coal and Iron. While this seems like nothing, 2% per level over, for example, 300 levels of infrastructure can amount up to a nice chunk of money which can essentially be turned into free infra – which we all can agree is the best kind of infra!

So, while you will probably find yourself chopping and changing resources, early on it is best to get resources which decrease infra purchase and upkeep cost, as this is where you will be pumping most of your cash early on. If you tie this with resources which provide happiness or outright income boosts, you can maximize income on your relatively small citizen count, while at the same time increasing the bang you receive for your buck.

One no brainer, must have bonus resource is Beer. This increases Population Happiness +2(more money per day per citizen income bonus). It is a no brainer because it requires Water, Wheat, Lumber and Aluminum. Water itself increases population happiness by 2.5, and means your citizens will be happy even if they are overcrowded, which means you will be able to spend more on buying infra and less on land. It also provides an environment boost, and a good environment rating increases happiness. Wheat again increases land area, which means more of your money will not be diverted away from infra and on to other things, as well as increasing your citizen count by 8%, which means more taxes and more money for.. you’ve guessed it.. sweet, sweet infra! Lumber and Aluminum decrease both initial purchase and upkeep costs of infra. All together, this makes Beer an absolute MUST HAVE for all start up nations.

What to do with all the Cash?

So, you have a new nation. You have some money in the bank. Perhaps a kind friend has donated a fat wad of cash to you. What do you spend it on? In a word – INFRA. Infrastructure increases citizen count, and as citizens pay taxes, more citizens = more cash. You receive a 7 day grace period in which you may remain in peace without economic penalty. During this time, have the MINIMUM number of soldiers needed to keep you out of Anarchy and provide good happiness (around 20% of your citizen count). This means you spend less money on soldier upkeep. Also, buy the minimum amount of land needed to prevent overcrowding. Everything else should be ploughed into infra. Technology is also important, but not for a while. Do not worry about tech until you reach around 5000 infra, and even less so if you are part of an alliance. Tech increases your efficiency in war, and also provides significant happiness boosts up until around level 15. As costs increase based on current tech level, and number of past purchases, it is best not to buy tech early on.

Technology = 0 then happiness = -1
Technology > 0 and <= .5 then happiness = +0
Technology > .5 and <= 1 then happiness = +1
Technology > 1 and <= 3 then happiness = +2
Technology > 3 and <= 6 then happiness = +3
Technology > 6 and <= 10 then happiness = +4
Technology > 10 and <= 15 then happiness = +5
Technology > 15 then happiness = + 5 + (Techpurchased * .02) up to level 200 tech


Happiness, like environment rating, is shown in the form of a graphic. To see the actual numerical value, highlight the area directly to the right of the graphic. As a new nation (below 150/200 infra), you should be aiming for a happiness value of at least 15, or even better between 20-25. As has been stated previously, 1 point of happiness increases individual citizen income by $2, which is returned to you as taxes, so happiness is vitally important to your economic success. Happiness is affected by a variety of things.

• Population desired religion vs actual national religion.
• Population desired government vs actual nation government.
• Population density – Citizens like room to stretch out.
• Size and strength of military – Citizens like to feel protected.
• Military casualties – Casualties increase war weariness
• Military deployed – Too many deployed troops also increases war weariness
• Infrastructure level – Infrastructure helps increase happiness.
• Government tax rate – Citizens prefer to pay lower taxes.
• Nation age – Citizens prefer the stability of older nations.
• And a couple of hidden factors as well

Hidden factors include tax rate, and environmental rating. You can do little for your environment rating, except keep population density low, avoid having uranium until you are strong enough to purchase nukes, and have water as a trade resource. Your tax rate, government and desired religion however, is completely up to you. Clues are displayed as to the preferred government type, and help can be found here and here This is an easy happiness boost. As for tax rate, this is a little more difficult. A little experimentation is required. IGNORE THE EFFECT ON HAPPINESS – what is important is the taxes collected per citizen. More than likely, you will find placing the tax rate on 28% - the maximum – is the best route. This does not mean you should NOT experiment with other tax rates to receive the best individual tax income, especially early on.

General Information

If you are a member of an alliance it is not worth indulging in a massive military build up while you are still relatively young. As an alliance member, it is unlikely you will be attacked. THIS DOES NOT MEAN YOU SHOULD STAY IN PEACE MODE! If you stay in peace mode past the initial 7 day period, you receive massive economic penalties – make sure you change this! Keep your standing army to a minimum in order to reduce their upkeep costs, and free up cash for other priorities. If you are not part of an alliance? Stock up on your warriors. Chances are, opportunists will be along to “tech raid” you. This involves attacking a non aligned nation in order to steal technology from them. During war, you can destroy enemy infra, and steal his tech/land. This is done because tech becomes extremely expensive at higher levels, and it is much cheaper to just replace a few tanks and soldiers, than buy your own!

DEFCON CHOICE – you should only ever use two Defcon Statuses – 5, or 1. D5 is for peacemode, as it increases population happiness which in turn increases tax income. D1 decreases soldier cost and increases soldier efficiency. If you think you are going to be attacked, it isn’t worth going to D2, or D3 – do it properly and go the whole hog. The same can be said for peace time. You fight in D1 – you collect taxes and expand economically in D5.
Yes you still keep your resources. The only difference is that now you get the bonus's from those resoucres that you are receiving as well as yours. As a new nation I would recommend filling up your trade slots asap. Make sure to buy infrastructure. You don't need to worry about tech until you're about at 5000 infrastructure. When you buy infrastucture, you get more people. So make sure that you're Population Per Mile is less than 60. You can find it on the "View Your Nation" page at the top. Next week I should be able to give both flyersboy and devil 3 million just cause. :shake:

I think 5k sounds right, possibly at 4k. The only thing you have to worry about tech is buying it for others, who will pay for it. It's up to you on how long you want to buy tech for, but at a certain point, you'll be a sitting target if you have high infra and no tech. Since technology affects your battle strength.

Also, all Cybernations information can be found here.

I'm not sure how updated those z15 links since those are from the old CN forums, but if you want the updated stats on improvements, resources and wonders (when you're big enough) you can find them at the link provided.