Darrell Cole: The Marine Bugler Who Earned the Medal of Honor

I love this about the Corps.
Great minds think alike - I was about to post a similar comment. The Army does (or formerly had) a similar philosophy of everyone having a secondary MOS of 11B. In the Air Force we all had a secondary of Amateur Golfer.
Thank you for providing a historical link between the Marine and the ship. I was unaware. I know the former CO of the USS Cole. He and the crew were heroic in saving the ship after the 2000 terrorist attack in Yemen.
Fortunately the Cole’s CMC was also an IDC.
I'd venture to guess he was only looking out for his buddies.
And I would bet as a machine gunner he was trying to kill as many of the enemy as he could. He was after all a USMC trained machine gunner. And the head of a machine gun section.

Do you know which mos s never answers——Every Marine a Riflemen ——when asked what they did in the corps—-03s :)