...For reasons that I can't really explain, a number of Midshipman couples decide to marry right after they graduate (like more than one would expect). I'm not sure it's such a great idea personally, but it happens a lot.
No way to generalize the dating habits of ~4200 people.
Many female mids end up dating other mids, because it's hard to explain you have the duty on the weekend your UMD guy has his big fraternity event. And it's convenient to date someone who understands your crazy life.
Mid-mid dating is often referred to in jest as Dark Siding. Happens more often the more senior you get. There is a magic moment at the start of 2/c (junior) year when civilian clothes are allowed, and people look different. It's an "aha." They appreciate and understand getting through two years at an SA, and fellow mids take on a new luster.
Plebes may only date other plebes, or civilians. For all - can't date within company. Upperclass can date across 3 classes.
Update to this....
After I posted this, I had a great opportunity to show the thread Friday afternoon to two 2018 2/c women who had arrived to spend the weekend, a 2014 woman who had just driven over from Naval Reactors after her nuke engineer exam to spend the night before flying back to her sub on Sat, and a 2004 grad and her 2001 fiancé spending the night before attending the Nats-Red Sox game at USNA on Sat. Another great dinner table comparing notes, changes, and how some stuff doesn't seem to change. I often text or run my thoughts on responses by current mids or very recent grads. All agreed the dating situation among mids is generally as described by comments on this thread, noting the term "dark siding" is declining in usage due to increased numbers of women over the years.
All agreed everyone's dating experience is different. You could date as little or as much as you wanted, depending on wide you flung your net, or could happily just enjoy social times with friends, classmates, company mates, teammates, etc. Some observe MidRegs and some ignore, choosing to risk consequences.
I have had a ringside seat since my time as a BattO in the Hall, and through generations of male and female mids here at the house sharing love life news and problems during late-night talks. No one knows exactly what dating is like as a mid at this moment in time, except those who are there right now, and each one of them experiences it as an individual. Staff, faculty, coaches, alumni, sponsors, BGOs, parents can all observe, form impressions, draw on their own experience and get a sense of how it works from those with whom they come in contact - but it's not the same as being there, as a mid.
That would be hard work and don't make bad choices!just was seeing what to expect around me..
That would be hard work and don't make bad choices!![]()
Quote from my plebe son about 2/3 through plebe summer-" It took me about 3 weeks to realize that some of those sweaty stinky people running and doing push ups with me were girls!" LOL
Quote from my plebe son about 2/3 through plebe summer-" It took me about 3 weeks to realize that some of those sweaty stinky people running and doing push ups with me were girls!" LOL
No way to generalize the dating habits of ~4200 people.
Many female mids end up dating other mids, because it's hard to explain you have the duty on the weekend your UMD guy has his big fraternity event. And it's convenient to date someone who understands your crazy life.
Mid-mid dating is often referred to in jest as Dark Siding. Happens more often the more senior you get. There is a magic moment at the start of 2/c (junior) year when civilian clothes are allowed, and people look different. It's an "aha." They appreciate and understand getting through two years at an SA, and fellow mids take on a new luster.
Plebes may only date other plebes, or civilians. For all - can't date within company. Upperclass can date across 3 classes.
i know a girl at usna who's a plebe dating a 3/c but their relationship is prior existing. is that something that's allowed? are they allowed to date once the 3/c male is in the fleet and the 4/c female is a 1/c?
i know a girl at usna who's a plebe dating a 3/c but their relationship is prior existing. is that something that's allowed? are they allowed to date once the 3/c male is in the fleet and the 4/c female is a 1/c?
I met a candidate at summer seminar who is now dating one of the detailers that was in our company. If he gets accepted to USNA, does this violate fraternization in the same way?Both mids can look up the answer in Midshipman Regulations. Plebes (4/c) are only allowed to date within their class, or civilians. Period. Once she becomes a 3/c, she can date the other 3 classes except 4/c. The “prior existing” exceptions are clearly spelled out, and include mid-mid relationships where one mid graduates, and the relationship can continue because it existed prior to commissioning. So, whatever they are doing now, being surreptitious, being careful on social media, swearing roommates to silence, being vague about their romantic status, lying by omission, they are playing in the misconduct field. If they are caught, the more senior one is expected to be more responsible and not put junior personnel, especially plebes, in rule-breaking situations exposing them to misconduct actions and demerits. The more senior will get hammered harder if caught. That’s their choice to make, though, and these things happen. The litmus test is “unduly familiar relationship.” They may well have self-reported and been counseled to stay low-key.
Have some fun and look up”fraternization” in USNA Midshipman Regulations.
This was exactly what I was asking. Thank you for the response.Not sure what you’re asking - “...who is now saying one of the detailers that was in our company.”
NASS detailer? PS detailer? Who’s the he? What company - NASS?
You can know people at USNA before you attend - upperclass you met at NASS, CVW, recruiting visits, academy info nights, your HS, Scouts, Navy sports camps. As a Plebe, though, you can’t date them or hang out as friends until after 4/c year. That’s “unduly familiar.”
I guessed at what you were asking. Let me know if I went off-course.