DD2983 form & Debit Cards


Sep 1, 2021
I was recently notified that there was a DD2983 form on the appointee handbook that said we needed to complete it... the appointee kit doesn't include this form, nor is it in the security clearance, so will we fill this out when BCT starts?

Also, do we need to bring our debit cards or cash? I imagine we would need some to pay for things at the C-store...
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Definitely bring some form of payment. You'll be getting things at the C-Store and it's a hassle to have to work out paying other people back when you need stuff. I used a card, but I know some people brought a bunch of cash and that worked out well too.

I ended up keeping my wallet and manila folder in the same place.
Also the cadets seem to use Venmo ALL THE TIME. If you don't have a Venmo account you should probably consider it. When school starts you will use it.
“Appointees are required to fill out DD Form 2983 (section 8, Exceptions) with information regarding pre- existing relationships with any military officers or enlisted members assigned to the Air Force Academy, or any upper class cadet in the Cadet Wing (e.g., parent, sibling, extended family member, etc.). The chain of command will review the forms and provide guidance following in-processing. Air Force policy strictly prohibits dating, close friendships, and sexual relationships between cadets and officers or enlisted personnel. Academy policy prohibits similar relationships between basic cadet trainees and upper class cadets, as well as four-degree cadets and upper class cadets. There are no exceptions to these policies for prior-existing relationships.”

If you fit this criteria then I would assume you would have to fill that form out.