Digital tablet recommendations (e.g. iPad vs Surface)


Jan 11, 2021
Hello. For those who have a Mid who uses a digital tablet for notes and recreational media, what are your recommendations? E.g., iPad vs Surface, iPad Pro vs iPad Air, screen size, peripherals such as keyboard, apps such as Goodnotes? Thanks in advance.
I know several MIDNs and not a single one uses a tablet for notes. Everyone gets a notebook/laptop issued to them, but they typically use a pad of paper and a pen. Depending on your Company, you won't necessarily have to be too concerned with having a lot of "recreational media" during your Plebe year, either.
I think most mids use iPads over other tablets. I’m sure surface tablets work just as well, though. I personally don’t see any reason to buy a more expensive iPad Air/Pro over the Gen 8 iPad unless you want the bigger screen.
DD uses iPad Pro and loves it. If Apple products user iPad better option. If Android user Surface may be a better option.
I know several MIDNs and not a single one uses a tablet for notes. Everyone gets a notebook/laptop issued to them, but they typically use a pad of paper and a pen. Depending on your Company, you won't necessarily have to be too concerned with having a lot of "recreational media" during your Plebe year, either.

Marine '92-96, so not a plebe personally, this is for my son-, but thanks for the feedback.
I think most mids use iPads over other tablets. I’m sure surface tablets work just as well, though. I personally don’t see any reason to buy a more expensive iPad Air/Pro over the Gen 8 iPad unless you want the bigger screen.
Both of my guys got a lesser expensive iPad (vs the pro, like you said, since they already have a laptop...and the added expense of the pro isn’t really necessary). They are engineering guys, and there is a particular amazing app that they use with it. Very much makes their day easier as far as homework/sharing/notes/studies.

I, mom, on the other hand, got a Pro as I use it as my laptop....
don’t buy it ... one less thing to think about

Now go run 5 miles
Agree with this take. I actually don’t personally know of any midshipman who uses a tablet for school, though I know there are a few throughout the Brigade who do.

This is unsolicited advice, but if I were an incoming Plebe or the parent of one, I would hold off on a purchase like this until the academic year begins. Depending on the classes and professors (each with their own teaching style) the plebe is assigned, their priorities for supplies will likely vary. A lot of new college students will experiment with a few different approaches for note-taking and studying. And some more “old school” instructors don’t even allow mids to use electronics for taking notes during class, believing they pose too much of a distraction. And obviously, Midshipmen have been managing to pass their classes for a century and a half without tablet computers. I bet it’d make a great holiday gift though. And even just waiting until September when your son knows what’s expected of him, would make for a better informed purchase. :)
Absolutely wait! Their electronic/computing needs are met. My guys both waited: youngster and 2/c yr....but did get them for that app I mentioned. And they said it’s made engineering things easier. Not sure the ins and outs of that, but I believe it’s mostly homework. That loads from somewhere 🤷‍♀️?

The other thing, is phones (iPhones) may also meet their needs. My plebe did lots on his phone. They are hand held computers anymore!

Like most things, it’s not a one size fits all sitch. Wait and see what you plebe to be has as far as needs.
ToDo’s for class of 2025 based on what I heard from DD, class of 2024, who just finished her plebe year.

1. Learn how to unfreeze and clear the cache on a TI-36 pro calculator. You will be using that a lot down there. Google how to fix general issues — hold the [ON] button down while pressing the [CLEAR] button twice.

2. Learn how to use Excel to manipulate data, general Stat, and create plots and graphs. You will use it in Chemistry plebe year.

3. If you feel really energetic, learn DataFrames in R or Python. Then you can impress your friends .... you know, things like data and rocket science and machine learning, regression and classification, objective and cost functions, parametric and non-parametric solutions, basis vectors and decision boundaries .... and on and on .... This will make you appreciate Linear and Non-Linear algebra and so on and such.

[2] and [3] you can do on your standard PC.
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Concur with @Kierkegaard about waiting and feeling out plebe year first. Your company shouldn’t have an issue with using an iPad for schoolwork, though. If you’re caught using it for Netflix, etc. that’s another issue.

The other comment from someone with no first hand knowledge of USNA is asinine and you should absolutely use any resource you need to excel academically. As I’m sure you’re aware and your DS will soon be @WolfPackGrunt , it’s important to filter through well intentioned “bad gouge.”
My now 2/c Mid and his roommate both have their own iPad pro. They LOVED them for note taking especially for physics and calc. My mid waited until this March to get his because we couldn't ship it to him due to some mailroom delays so he only had it for the end of the semester. Regardless, he wishes he had it earlier because it was so helpful especially with things still being somewhat remote. He likes being able to annotate pdfs, taking notes and having the extra mobile screen for reading/assignments. Lots of his plebes were allowed to have them this year because of remote learning, but were restricted to what they were used for.
If you do end up getting one and can afford it, get one with the data capability because then they can use it in Bancroft.