Disqualification for Therapy in the Past?


New Member
Mar 5, 2019
I'm trying to pursue an AFROTC hssp and I ended treatment about a year ago now for an anxiety disorder, with meds and some therapy. To me, the treatment did nothing and I'm almost certain that it was unnecessary, but in looking through this forum I found this link (https://www.esd.whs.mil/Portals/54/Documents/DD/issuances/dodi/613003p.pdf?ver=2018-05-04-113917-883) where it listed possible disqualifications to the DoDMERB. The ones that pertain to me are:

"q. History of anxiety disorders if: (1) Outpatient care including counseling was required for longer than 12 cumulative months. (2) Symptomatic or treatment within the last 36 months. (3) The applicant required any inpatient treatment in a hospital or residential facility. (4) Any recurrence. (5) Any suicidality (in accordance with Paragraph 5.28.m.). "

2 and possibly 1 apply to my situation. Are these automatic disqualifiers? I've heard something about a waiver; could that apply?

Any help is appreciated.
Yes. By definition, meeting any of those disqualifying life events would be disqualifying.

You're getting ahead of yourself, though. First, you need to successfully apply for and win an HSSP scholarship. Then, you tackle this issue.

Focus on step 1. Deal with the medical clearance issues later.