Disqualified from Summer Airmanship


Sep 8, 2021
Any past cadets or parents have any experience with being disqualified for summer airmanship? My cadet is hoping there is some recourse or reconsideration possible. If not, then what do those cadets do instead for three weeks while other cadets are enjoying their jump, soaring, or powered flight? I think there is also drone training, and not sure of the other options.
Is it medical, disciplinary, or what? I have not heard of other cases like this.
Medical.......DD was on anti-depressants. She went off a month ago, but didn't tell anyone (she should have). She filled out her medical yesterday that she wasn't on meds, and they came back today with a DQ citing she is on meds. She's doing very well off of them. Hopefully someone will listen to her case.
Did she have a conversation with her AOC? In terms of appeal options, my guess is the AOC would be the starting point. The regulation would be the rule and then one would expect there to be an exceptions process. The AOC could aid in navigating this, but the answer may still end up as a NO.
She wrote back to the people that DQd her, and I think is getting an appt set up to discuss so that is a crack in the door. I thought about the AOC route too which a ton of sense. Hopefully, she can advocate her way back in. They scheduled her then sent her the med paperwork then rejected her.....so USAFA of them LOL. Thanks for the thoughts!