Do the activities I've done in middle school count?


May 21, 2020
What I mean by this is if I have been in student council ever since middle school, could I put 6 years for how long I've done it instead of 4? The same goes for my theater class. I did two years of theater in middle school and two years in high school (junior/senior year). Would it be okay to say that I was in theater for four years, or am I only allowed to put two years? Thanks everyone.
No. USNA is very specific about what they want to know about you and for what time period. Your middle-school accomplishments notwithstanding, they’re interested in “what have you done for me lately?” You won’t be at a disadvantage. All candidates are held to the same window of time.

The application is a test of attention to detail. Follow the directions precisely and you’ll be just fine.