DOD Status


Nov 30, 2021
Hello! I am currently a senior in High School applying for West Point and have a question concerning my DODMERB Status.

"Currently Your Case is "Incomplete-Closed"
Your DoDMETS case is Incomplete-Closed as of 1/5/2022.

What does "Incomplete-Closed" mean?​

Your case does not have all of the required examination records. It may be the medical (physical) or optometric screening. It would be wise to schedule your missing exam, or if you have taken it, call CIV Team so we can track down the records with your provider.

All of your examination records have been received, reviewed by a CIV Team case manager, and sent to DoDMERB.
Your medical examination records were submitted to DoDMERB on 1/5/2022 3:00:00 PM
It generally can take 2 to 4 weeks for a determination.
Please go to to keep track of your file after it is sent to DoDMERB."

I don't understand what this message is telling me. Does Incomplete-closed mean I should wait further, or does it mean there needs to be action taken by my part?
Hello, the DODMERB Guru Mr. Mullen will likely respond to you. But I received the same message as you did and what it means is that you need to go to this website and create an account. This account is to monitor whether you are considered qualified or unqualified by DODMERB. And if you are unqualified where you can track waivers from the SA.
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If you’d like, you may send me an email:; provide complete name and last 4 SSN; provide the text of your Parent's posting above to YOUR email. The subject line of the email should be “YoHanNee- SAF = DoD status.“ Do NOT embed links in your email as I will not be able to view those.:wiggle: