DoDMERB and applying to multiple academies

Feb 23, 2015
DS has applied to both USAFA and USNA. This morning we have noticed that his DoDMERB status has changed to QUALIFIED for USNA and still has Remedial Requested for USAFA. Is it possible to be qualified for one academy yet have more remedials to do for the other?
Obviously it is possible. Each service and each commissioning source can and do have slightly different medical standards. It is much more typical to have a waiver granted by one SA and denied by another. Would you mind sharing what the remedial if for?
Obviously it is possible. Each service and each commissioning source can and do have slightly different medical standards. It is much more typical to have a waiver granted by one SA and denied by another. Would you mind sharing what the remedial if for?

There is no information listed for the remedial on the site now. No numbers, just status says Remedial Requested for USAFA but Qualified for USNA.

The previous remedials were for son's low pulse rate. Son is an endurance athlete. Varsity cross country and runs 7-10 miles daily. He has a healthy heart. The low pulse rate set off a ton of remedials. DoDMERB has sent him for multiple EKGs, stress tests and visits to cardiologists. We have been in this process since August. Every time we have went to this cardiologist he has remarked that this is the healthiest heart he has seen in years. Son broke the office record because he lasted over 22 minutes on the treadmill for his stress test.
Last year DD was initially disqualified by DoDMERB after her exam for USAFA & USMA. USMA processed her waiver in a matter of weeks without any remedial and USAFA never even asked for a remedial. It just depends on how competitive they view you as a candidate and where you fit in the selection process. USMA has verified that the waiver is still good after a statement of current health and she is listed as Qualified again.
DS status was updated today. Qualified for both USAFA and USNA. Never been so happy to see the word Qualified! Big relief. We have been doing remedials for this low pulse since August.
DS status was updated today. Qualified for both USAFA and USNA. Never been so happy to see the word Qualified! Big relief. We have been doing remedials for this low pulse since August.

Haven't been doing remedials for as long as you but I do agree, it does feel good to finally see qualified for all three of the academies.