Dodmerb Exam


5-Year Member
Nov 2, 2011
Does the doctor doing the exam for Dodmerb have any influence on the candidates outcome of passing/failing the exam? Does he recommend the candidate or not? If there is something in question, ie: an old injury, asthma or another disqualifying factor, does the examining doctor weigh in or do all decisions come from West Point?
Thank you for your time.
The examining MD simply makes the report ( quantitatively and hopefully objectively - the MD ought not have an impact on the ultimate decision) to DODMERB - DODMERB makes the determination as to issues and whether the candidate is qualified or not.... If there is an issue, it then falls to USMA to request a waiver on behalf of the candidate. There are many items which may cause failure - ie - asthma, old injuries, remediation of old injuries, etc... Just because there was an injury or issue does not automatically disqualify someone