Dodmerb page to check Academy status


5-Year Member
Mar 9, 2011
A quick question. Our DS is triple Q and applied to everything under the sun, as directed but haven't heard much back after interviews. I've read that some people say the Dodmerb site shows status change for the applicants to give you a heads up that an LOA may be coming. Is this true? What changes on the page?

All I see is the academy listed and qualified. Is this what changes? I don't see another page other than the candidate profile page.


Impatient Dad. :rolleyes:
bad information, I think.

DoDMERB deals with medical matters only, so how would they know what SAs are thinking?

A remote possiblity is using medical waivers as an indicator. SA issues medical waviers and medical waviers are only considered for highly qualified candidates. So if you were medically disqualified by DoDMERB and SA issues an medical wavier, your status in DoDMERB should change.
I know for USNA you should see sub agency: NALOA. Mine went away after a couple weeks, but it was there. I have the letter now so it doesn't matter if it's on DoDMERB or not. I got a LOA to USMA too but there was no change on DoDMERB to indicate it.
For USNA the DoDMERB site usually shows sub agency: NALOA for LOA recipients as Ectriso stated. I don't know about the other academies.
bad information, I think.

DoDMERB deals with medical matters only, so how would they know what SAs are thinking?

The academies submit the information to DODMERB, who then posts it. A few years ago it was not uncommon for a candidate to find out about his/her appointment from the DODMERB website long before any letter or email arrived.

I thought that DODMERB changed their posting information last year so as not to "steal the thunder" from the respective academies and/or MOCs, but it appears that they are still posting the appointment info (supplied by the academy).