DoDMERB questions


5-Year Member
Jan 27, 2014
Hello everyone. I would really appreciate some advice on four things.

1. Are warts a DQ? I have 2 on my feet, but they are almost gone. (my exam is soon though).

2. I broke my arm 5 years ago and had to have 2 pins. They were taken out and my arm is back to normal. Will this cause a problem?

3. Is a slight lisp a DQ? I feel like my "s" sound is a bit slushy, but nobody has trouble understanding me. Should this even be noted on the questionaire?

4. Is a bone spur grounds for a DQ? Should I include this as a tumor on the questionaire? I believe it is called an osteochondroma. I had an X Ray/MRI for it to make sure it is benign. It is on my foot, but does not impede movement, so my doctor said to just leave it. It is really just a cosmetic thing.

Thanks everyone!
If anyone could answer quickly that would be much appreciated. The exam is tomorrow.