T tarrant09 10-Year Member 5-Year Member Joined Jan 22, 2008 Messages 46 Sep 3, 2008 #1 I completed my DoDMERB on the 12th of August and on the dodmets.com website it says that all my stuff is sent in and my status is complete. Will I get something in the mail or e-mail regarding the results?
I completed my DoDMERB on the 12th of August and on the dodmets.com website it says that all my stuff is sent in and my status is complete. Will I get something in the mail or e-mail regarding the results?
M MullenLE A GUY WITH "INTRICATE KNOWLEGE" OF DODMERB 10-Year Member Joined May 31, 2008 Messages 7,992 Sep 3, 2008 #2 Yes. If you email me at Larry.Mullen@dodmerb.tma.osd.mil and give me your full name and Last 4 of your SSN, I can give you a better status
Yes. If you email me at Larry.Mullen@dodmerb.tma.osd.mil and give me your full name and Last 4 of your SSN, I can give you a better status