Does DoDMERB add DQ's and remedials as they review or only once after review is complete?


5-Year Member
Nov 8, 2017
When DoDMERB reviews a candidate's file, do they post DQ's and remedials to the portal as they come across them, stop their review entirely after they come across a disqualifying condition, or review the entire file and only then list every DQ and remedial that exists?

My DC received a single DQ, which is erroneous and will be cleared. Once that DQ is cleared, will we potentially face more issues or do they simply flip the switch from DQ to Q and we are done?

MY DC's file was received on a Monday and he was DQ'd on Friday, which seems very quick and efficient for a full file review to have occurred.

Thanks in advance for everyone's experiences!
As far as I understand (I apologize if I am in some way incorrect) DODMERB will review the file to completion in order to ensure the applicant is able to address any DQs or remedials at the same time.I would think the only time they may not view a file to completion would be for an administrative remedial(paperwork,something missing,etc.) but even then I’m not sure that is the case.It would seem more efficient to address all remedials and DQs at the same time for the sake of everyone involved,including DODMERB associates,as well as those at the respective academies handling waivers.

I hope your DC’s DQ will be cleared quickly,and I wish you the best in the rest of your SA journey!
Some conditions or history of conditions are automatic DQ.
My son had a DQ for a past shoulder injury and a waiver was started. Before the waiver was granted he had his appendix out, automatic 6 month DQ after surgery.
His shoulder waiver was put on hold until the 6 months was up. After 6 months they asked for all the shoulder waiver documents again plus the appendix information.
His DoDMERB exam was in February, waivers finally came through in December.
From our experience, they review the entire file and post whatever DQs exist. First, they request remedials based on the questionnaire - most yes answer triggers some AMI. Then, based on the additional info you send, they either qualify or they list the DQ(s).

In our case, there were 5 or 6 yes answers on the form, triggered AMI for 4 of them, resulted in 3 separate DQ's.

After dealing with those, there were no new issues raised
From our experience, they review the entire file and post whatever DQs exist. First, they request remedials based on the questionnaire - most yes answer triggers some AMI. Then, based on the additional info you send, they either qualify or they list the DQ(s).

In our case, there were 5 or 6 yes answers on the form, triggered AMI for 4 of them, resulted in 3 separate DQ's.

After dealing with those, there were no new issues raised

With so many DQ's and remedials how was the time line for you on getting qualified?
The single best reason for completing your application early is to get DoDMERB going as early as possible and maximize available time for any required remedials and/or waivers.
My DS initially had two remedials (accutane and concussion) on his DoDMERB portal site. After he cleared those up they gave him a third remedial for a lower back issue from a year ago. He got that cleared up and his status is now Qualified.
We had a remedial AMI for allergies, answered that. Then a remedial for his shin splints (expected that one), and NOW asking remedial regarding pneumonia he had over the summer (after a full X-Country season). Been very frustrating. None have resulted in requiring further doctor trips, but we go through one hoop and another comes up...