Dq before physical ?


Feb 20, 2023
Portal says my son is disqualified for Annapolis, even though he received a waiver last year and has not made or went to this years appointments yet. Anyone have any input or opinions on this. He is of course making his appointments now…if that’s still an option
Isn’t the physical good for two years? And as I understand it, unfortunately, what they waiver one year may not be the case the next.
Physical is good for two years. DQ is probably the same DQ from the medical examinations last year.

Based on the language in USNA guidance (that waivers are assessed on a case-by-case basis against the competitiveness of the application), I read them to be specific to an application cycle, i.e. just because a candidate was competitive enough to grant waiver consideration last year doesn't mean they are this year with a different pool of applicants.

I would ask Admissions/Admissions Medical for a concrete answer, but I suspect the rationale is something along those lines.

Back when I applied (some ten years ago now) there was an assigned team of medical staff that adjudicated medical waivers. They assessed not only success at USNA but suitability for worldwide assignment in the Navy and USMC.

So my take is yes, you'll have to get a new waiver, and seeing the DQ isn't really something to be concerned about at this stage (assuming it's an issue that is still present).
He received a waiver last time. Was of the understanding that the waiver was good for this cycle. He was cleared by his ortho surgeon, and just competed months of eye therapy and has achieved 20/20 corrected vision.
If the circumstances have improved, then the outlook seems positive this time. But only the medical team at USNA gets to make that call for a waiver, even if you're already going to an MTF and seeing military doctors.

A waiver is a risk decision USNA chooses to accept. It is not solely a medical issue, and circumstances change often. What happened last year might not be possible this year.

It's a process that needs time to work.
He will call when he gets time during finals week to see if it’s possible to take an entirely new physical. He has documentation that proves he has the overcome his negatives, which West Point didn’t take the time to inquire about. Maybe if he submits a new physical In full….he will just have to see
Did you send in all that additional info?
He will call when he gets time during finals week to see if it’s possible to take an entirely new physical. He has documentation that proves he has the overcome his negatives, which West Point didn’t take the time to inquire about. Maybe if he submits a new physical In full….he will just have to see
I would imagine once his DODMERB portal opens, he can submit all of that supporting material. If it’s already open (check junk mail if the invite should have come thru!), submit NOW even without their asking.