DS is visiting Norwich U next week

I think it's safe to say that the cadets who have the most success in their first year at any of the SMCs are the ones who feel a connection with the school when they visit in person. The challenge is when you feel a connection with multiple schools, and then have to try to sort through it. :smile:

Once the rigors of the first year begins, they'll probably forget that feeling and question their reasoning daily. But in the end, they know it's where they belong. These things really do defy reason.

Good luck to you and your son!

Jackie M. Briski
VMI Class of 2009
First Class PVT (Ret.)

This 10000% !!
My son instantly felt connected at VMI and after his overnight it really became the only place he wanted to be. He is now a 2nd, got to try on his ring last week! Bring on Ring Figure . It really is a feeling that they get when they find the right one. I don't know that they can go wrong with any of the SMC's. I have fallen in love with VMI and made many friends with other Cadets parents, which was an unexpected surprise.

@pennak hope you were able to make the insanity of Parents Weekend ! Good luck to your rat.