Hello, first time, I want this question answered so that I can sleep soundly tonight. The only physical problem that i carry with me are my eyes. They are pretty bad, but I want to become an Air Force Officer, and perhaps become a pilot if the military allows me to get surgery later on (which I doubt ). Just for admission purposes, does bad eyesight (correctable to 20/15 and 20/20) completely disqualifies me? If not, where is the limit in how bad your eyesight can be? And does this require a waiver, if so, what do I need to provide?
I suspect you don't know much about vision....Correctable to 20/15 and 20/20 is good. Have you already had your exm? If so, what is your full name and last 4 of your SSN. If not, why don't you send me your current prescription so I can be more accurate: Larry.Mullen@dodemrb.tma.osd.mil