Ezcema after Acceptance into USNA?


New Member
May 7, 2021
I accepted my offer of appointment to the Naval Academy and had just begun working out again at a public gym after having quarantined for a year. I was told by my doctors that I don’t have ezcema, but am getting checked up soon again because I got a patch on my calf that had a clump of red spots filled w clear liquid. What would happen if I were to get ezcema now after having accepted my spot at the USNA?
I accepted my offer of appointment to the Naval Academy and had just begun working out again at a public gym after having quarantined for a year. I was told by my doctors that I don’t have ezcema, but am getting checked up soon again because I got a patch on my calf that had a clump of red spots filled w clear liquid. What would happen if I were to get ezcema now after having accepted my spot at the USNA?
This should be in the DoDMERB forum where @MullenLE has a shot at seeing it making his usual offer of a private conversation.

One step at a time. Don’t self-diagnose. You will need to update your medical history with DoDMERB and comply with whatever their guidance, if you see a doctor for this.
This should be in the DoDMERB forum where @MullenLE has a shot at seeing it making his usual offer of a private conversation.

One step at a time. Don’t self-diagnose. You will need to update your medical history with DoDMERB and comply with whatever their guidance, if you see a doctor for this.
Understood. I will make another post on the DoDMERB forum. Thank you so much for your assistance.
You’re fine, don’t worry about it. When you get to be my age, you ignore little things like that.

[A little Comic relief ... Don’t do this at home]
Ash Williams (Bruce Campbell), in Army of Darkness, did the only thing that made sense when his hand went bad ... he took matters into his own hands.
