For Those With Appointments...


10-Year Member
Dec 20, 2008
We should get a list going for those of us with appointments. I received mine back in September thanks to a Presidential nomination.

So if you're a definite for 2013 please let everyone know!
my son has a definite Appointment w/ usma for 2013. He doesn't belong to the forum. He said when a list starts forming then to let him know and he will join. So keep me informed guys. :smile:
We should wait a little and make the official one then.

What do you think Knordski? If you'd rather keep this one then I suggest putting up some info so we can get to know you and others share similar information by following your format.
Just remember that this is a public forum...cadets at USMA are known to read here, too....:biggrin:
I am happy with the idea of waiting! Hopefully more appointments will start being sent out soon.
What Now?

My son received a senatorial nomination today and has an LOA so from what I understand he should be receiving an appointment. He absolutely wants to go to WP no question, but I am telling him to keep all options open, just in case.

My question is what to do about his ROTC scholarship-he has been accepted at two schools where he could use that and is being told that he must be accepted at five to guarantee that he can use it. He Is really not motivated to complete more applications, but I guess he will have to do that.

We are also pursuing all the other scholarship money out there in case he gets a baseball or other injury so bad that he can't do either WP or ROTC.

Needless to say we are all excited, even the candidate, who has been chasing this goal for two years now.
I am in the same boat. I received both Army and Navy ROTC scholarships. I turned down Navy after receiving my appointment to USMA but kept the Army scholarship. I spoke with the Major in charge at an AROTC unit here in my state and he recommended that I keep it for as long as possible. I am not so sure about needing to be accepted to his top five schools to be able to use it. He should be all set at this point already accepted to two.
Can someone give me more information about the 2 (or 5) school thing for ROTC. This is the first I am hearing this. Have an ROTC scholarship and have been accepted to Citadel. Is that not enough?
Call the cadet command at Ft. Monroe-- tel number is in all the info they provided to you. Ask them your question(s) and they will give you the answer straight from the horse's mouth. Good luck.
The NROTC rep

explained that there are a certain number of ROTC scholarships available for each school. Because West Point appointees will typically wait until May to accept, their choice of school may be full and they need a number of backups. My son was accepted to Michigan and Notre Dame, both of which are apparently in high demand for ROTC winners.
One does ~not have to be accepted at all 5 schools to be able to use their AROTC scholarship at any one school.
I received a call at home last Tuesday, the same day Obama was inaugurated, and received my official acceptance letter last Saturday. It's all really exciting, but I'm worried about Beast Barracks. Anyone have any tips on how to stay fit and be prepared?
I received a call at home last Tuesday, the same day Obama was inaugurated, and received my official acceptance letter last Saturday. It's all really exciting, but I'm worried about Beast Barracks. Anyone have any tips on how to stay fit and be prepared?

You will be receiving a communication from West Point with details on how to train for Beast. Be sure to check your candidate portal for new links.

Follow their suggested training regimen and you should be physically prepared for Beast.
How long does it take them to update the candidate portal, b/c i've been checking for the past week and there still aren't any updates or new links. Also, do you know if you have to send them any seventh semester/final transcripts?
If you want to post your nomination there are quite a few people doing it on the "Who will be there?..." Thread.