Forms After Admission?


USMA 2022
Oct 29, 2017
I accepted my offer of admission this weekend and would just appreciate a list of the forms I'm going to have to fill out and a summary of each.

I have already submitted my birth certificate and tattoo form, and from what I've read so far, West Point will send me the things I need to give them my fingerprints. Then, I go to a local Police Station and get that done (there is no MP station near me). I also noticed that there is the e-QIP. Would someone mind telling me about that?

My portal says that Uniform, Travel, and POCs/Personal Info Forms not available yet. What will these consist of? If there's anything I need for West Point, I want to make sure I don't delay when turning them in!!!

I appreciate any responses!
Just keep checking your portal, mail, and email. They will let you know what they need and when they need it.
If it's anything like USNA, you will get a Permit to Report package, which will include all of the forms to execute and send back by mid-May.
The package will also include all the information as to when and where you show up.
There is plenty of time (and the package will come with plenty of time to spare), so don't sweat it.
Typically, the forms include;

Permit to Report letter (Which you do not mail, but bring with you on the day you report)
Travel Form
Agreement to Serve Form
Marriage/Dependents Declaration Form
Drug/Alcohol Abuse Statement of Understanding Form
Group Life Insurance Certificate
Record of Emergency Data
Consent to Personal Info Disclosure Form
Personal Swearing-In Form
Pay and Banking Application
Notice regarding Maintenance of Private Medical Insurance
Immunization Record
Patient Registration Form
Spectacle Prescription Information Form
Dental Info (no action required)
Academic Background Questionnaire
ACE Loan Information
Social Media Profile Etiquette Form
Uniform Measurements Form
NCAA Eligibility Form
Sponsor Questionnaire
Alumni Association Form(s)
News Release Form
Physical Fitness and Recommended Exercise Routine
Vehicular Access Information
Religious Program Letter
Congratulations on getting this far but it is still a marathon. Over the next few months, you will get a few different "packets" in your portal to complete. None of them are extremely difficult and can be handles in a few days. You will have to schedule a dentist appointment to get X-rays and visit the police station for the record check. The local recruiting station is the best place for fingerprints because they can submit them electronically. The security office at West Point will reach out to you for the e-QIP.

I understand the excitement but take a deep breath and remember to enjoy your last 6 months at home. You still have half your senior year of high school left. With your college plans locked in, relax and soak it all in. You will never get these days back.
Take care of the dental x-rays as soon as you have the necessary paperwork and information. If you need wisdom teeth taken out, it is better to get it done as far before R Day as possible.

Also, many dentist offices do not have a panoramic x-ray machine and you may have to get it taken by an oral surgeon or other dentist.
Much easier for fingerprints to go to a local armed services recruiting center - they can usually upload digital prints directly into the DoD system.

You will get specific instructions; don't go yet.
Just a little something for everyone that already got an appointment to remember: cadets that are notified in April will have enough time to do everything so you have PLENTY. Like USMA 1994 stated, enjoy your last 6 months at home and make the most of the time with your family.
Actually one thing you can start on is collecting your comprehensive immunization records. If you never moved and have seen the same pediatrician since birth you should be fine but we had to hunt some down and there were some boosters that needed to be given still. Don't get any until you have explicit instructions [some must be after 18th bday] but might want to find out how complete your Dr's records are. These have to be from your physician - cant send your copies from home files. I recall this being a real PITA last year.

And if you never gave blood you might want to go now so the Red Cross has your blood type on file. Believe it or not this was the hardest of all the medical info to get; DS finally had to get an Rx to have a lab test done. Blood donor route takes 6-8 weeks to process and get your card; do a good deed and get a box checked even if not mandatory. [Plus free cookies !]
Actually one thing you can start on is collecting your comprehensive immunization records. If you never moved and have seen the same pediatrician since birth you should be fine but we had to hunt some down and there were some boosters that needed to be given still. Don't get any until you have explicit instructions [some must be after 18th bday] but might want to find out how complete your Dr's records are. These have to be from your physician - cant send your copies from home files. I recall this being a real PITA last year.

And if you never gave blood you might want to go now so the Red Cross has your blood type on file. Believe it or not this was the hardest of all the medical info to get; DS finally had to get an Rx to have a lab test done. Blood donor route takes 6-8 weeks to process and get your card; do a good deed and get a box checked even if not mandatory. [Plus free cookies !]

Thank you so much!
My DD got her appointment April 26th last year and she was able to get everything complete in time but it was definitely non stop. She was lucky that she already had DOD clearance so she didn't have to worry about the fingerprints, but the dental took a little while since she had to have a cavity taken care of after she submitted the xrays. Just keep watching your portal. New boxes will appear every so often.
Blood type was not required for the class of 2021 and they completed this at USMA during Beast.

It was requested on DS' forms for '21; in hindsight having the Red Cross data on file from donation would have been a godsend. It was a big hassle.
Blood type was not required for the class of 2021 and they completed this at USMA during Beast.

It was requested on DS' forms for '21; in hindsight having the Red Cross data on file from donation would have been a godsend. It was a big hassle.
Sad to hear that getting a blood type was a hassle. A reasonable approach to this should work like this: "Hello, is this nurse friendly for Doc NotServiceAcademyFriendly? Hi, i am on my way to West Point! I just need a blood type. Can I just stop by and have my blood drawn?" whereupon nurse friendly would say "sure, stop by now, the phlebotomist is not busy! we'll get the report in 2 hours! would you like that report emailed, faxed, or mailed?" Unfortunately, some places are UNreasonable....

Also, DS went to school in another county, so he followed instructions and visited the state patrol, 2 sheriffs, and 2 police stations for clearance. I have no idea if all that was necessary.
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Take care of the dental x-rays as soon as you have the necessary paperwork and information. If you need wisdom teeth taken out, it is better to get it done as far before R Day as possible.

Also, many dentist offices do not have a panoramic x-ray machine and you may have to get it taken by an oral surgeon or other dentist.

Question... DS went to dentist today. Pano and x-rays taken. Dentist did recommend getting wisdom teeth out and he has a few cavities. Will we need an additional set of x-rays showing this work is done?
Take care of the dental x-rays as soon as you have the necessary paperwork and information. If you need wisdom teeth taken out, it is better to get it done as far before R Day as possible.

Also, many dentist offices do not have a panoramic x-ray machine and you may have to get it taken by an oral surgeon or other dentist.

Question... DS went to dentist today. Pano and x-rays taken. Dentist did recommend getting wisdom teeth out and he has a few cavities. Will we need an additional set of x-rays showing this work is done?
Best to call and ask if the instructions are not explicit. There is a phone number in the dental paperwork for the USMA dental clinic.

As I recall, in the past the dentist just had to submit a form confirming work was done. But procedures change from year to year.
Best to call and ask if the instructions are not explicit. There is a phone number in the dental paperwork for the USMA dental clinic.

As I recall, in the past the dentist just had to submit a form confirming work was done. But procedures change from year to year.
Definitely call and confirm first, but I highly suggest to get thise wisdom teeth out NOW if they give you the go ahead to do it. He will have plenty of time to heal before the final deadline and he has TIME to do it now. My DD had 1 (2?) removed at Christmas time while at school. Not ideal!! Survivable but not ideal.