5-Year Member
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- Aug 7, 2014
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Every year about this time, I feel the need to put in a plug for Foundations. Two years ago, my DD received a call saying that there was a possibility of a Foundations spot and asking if she would be interested (TWE was other option). Our first thought was "What the heck is Foundations" followed by "Another year of high school?" (FYI, seniors in Feb/Mar do not find this idea appealing). We then received a call from USNA Foundation Jesus (Capt. Wallace) who explained the program and went over the options. DD was completely sold on the idea and got busy picking a prep school to attend as a "post graduate"--the list is impressive in retrospect but at the time we knew NOTHING about the prep school world. The deal was sealed within 5 days (March 6th). The real tricky part is explaining this to friends and parents who assume your kid is a slacker or missing the boat by not going directly to college like everyone else. DD was able to load up on AP classes that hadn't been offered at her HS, was selected co-captain for her sport--and helped prep school win a state championship. School was 13 hours away, so it was a lot like going to college. The reason for this message is that a number of kids turned down the Foundations offer--egos, better plan B's, not understanding the program etc. Also, the misconception that Foundations kids "aren't as smart" as other USNA kids as one dad told me not wanting his DS to be stigmatized at the Academy. My DD validated 12 hours (Calc and Chem) so the Foundation year really didn't "set her back" at all. So, PM if your DD or DS has been offered a spot and you aren't sure if it's the right move. Obviously, I'm a big fan.