Generals Remarks
Can I just say that the generals remarks are absurd. Yes, people can argue that by serving in the United States military that doesn't make you qualified to serve, which I can not argue. Not every soldier, sailor, or airman has the experience to be a political leader of such prestige and importance. The fact of being an Armed Service member just shows a dedication to your country and to do what is right. And frankly, his military career which included the USNA, being shot down in Vietnam, and being a POW qualify the Senator to know the cost of war. And frankly I would prefer a man who knows the true meaning of war to lead during a time of war. Further more, coupled together with his military career, he has spent two terms in the United States congress, and 4 terms in the United States Senate. That is well over 20 years of political leadership and experience. So I think the General's remarks were uncalled for and totally unwarranted. The man did his job in Vietnam and to try and discredit his service is appalling.