General Takes Swipe at McCain

I just want to add that I think it is pretty awesome that John McCain got those hostages freed in Columbia. Finally! Isn't that Reaganesque?
Makes me want to vote for him. :wink:
Generals Remarks

Can I just say that the generals remarks are absurd. Yes, people can argue that by serving in the United States military that doesn't make you qualified to serve, which I can not argue. Not every soldier, sailor, or airman has the experience to be a political leader of such prestige and importance. The fact of being an Armed Service member just shows a dedication to your country and to do what is right. And frankly, his military career which included the USNA, being shot down in Vietnam, and being a POW qualify the Senator to know the cost of war. And frankly I would prefer a man who knows the true meaning of war to lead during a time of war. Further more, coupled together with his military career, he has spent two terms in the United States congress, and 4 terms in the United States Senate. That is well over 20 years of political leadership and experience. So I think the General's remarks were uncalled for and totally unwarranted. The man did his job in Vietnam and to try and discredit his service is appalling.
usa321 -

Here, here! I've been reading this thread for days, and you've just written beautifully what I've been thinking for days.
The reason I made the original post was the great exception I take to Gen. Clarks use of his uniformed status to advance his personal politics. He stopped being a servicemember years ago and became a politician years before taking the uniform off.

I dont like McCain and cannot in good concience vote for him, but I will not stand by while someone like Gen Clark attempts to discredit him. As I said before I served under his command and found him to be a contemptable human being. That said he was a General and I was a simple Sergeant, I respected the rank not the man.

As for the rest of the noise around the topic it is the Democrats year and they intend to punish the opposition. If you do not follow their line they will make an example of you. There language of unity and bringing the country together does not match up with the angry words like (Right Wing Lunatics). I saw a book today at Barnes and Noble titled "The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder" I believe that speaks volumes.