Getting a Physical copy of Physical


Nov 5, 2017
I’ve taken a DodMERB physical for the service academies and now I am speaking to a recruiter about enlisting. My recruiter said he would like to get a physical copy of my DodMERB physical to help with MEPS (I am qualified through DodMERB but I have some medical issues that could be questionable at MEPS). Is there any way I could get a copy of my physical for him?
Thank you!
I’ve taken a DodMERB physical for the service academies and now I am speaking to a recruiter about enlisting. My recruiter said he would like to get a physical copy of my DodMERB physical to help with MEPS (I am qualified through DodMERB but I have some medical issues that could be questionable at MEPS). Is there any way I could get a copy of my physical for him?
Thank you!
Seems like all you would need to do is reach out to your DODMERB contact and pose the question.
Assigned Medical Technicians by Applicant's "Last Name"
First 3 Last Name Technician Name Phone Number
AAA - COK Robin Borkowski 719-333-7160
COL - GRAG AnnaMarie Stowe 719-333-7093
GRAH - LAMB Beverly Poplin 719-333-7221
LAMC - OLB Mark Taylor 719-333-7263
OLC - SLOU Phyllis Gladden 719-333-7323
SLOV - ZZZ Kathleen Ometer 719-333-7081