Well actually I go to NAPS this year, I can tell you that in some ways its similar to the academy and some ways not. For the most part your day is someone set up like the academy with revielle at 0600 classes till around 1420 then you have extra instruction time, then sports period then mando study time. However naps is basically a academic prep school they focus on that here. You will still wear a uniform, kakhi to be exact, and some others and you will go through indoc but its only 2 weeks long. I was a prior enlisted nuke MM3 so I have already been through boot camp and everything and the indoc here was a lot easier than bootcamp. Plus you will get paid here a lot better than u will as a plebe. You get 700 a month I think for non priors. You will have a lot of liberty here as well contrary to belief. Its a lot like college for the most part. Its a nice area too, its beautiful in the summer. Do u play a sport? There are multiple opportunities here to. Lemme know if u want to know anything else. Or PM me and I can give u my number to talk!