

Jan 18, 2019
I am currently a junior and I'm interested in applying for USMA 2024 and I just have a question about my grades. I am currently taking 4 ap classes and 1 honor class. It looks like I'm going to end my junior year with a C in ap statistics. I have good grades in my classes except for AP stats and I am just worried that USMA will frown upon a C in my junior year. I have good ACT scores and good extracurricular so will getting one C hinder my chances?
Thank you
Isn’t a C in an AP class like a B in regular? I think you should be fine, since it’s really only one C, and it’s in a hard AP class.
One C is not going to tank your chances. When you say you have good ACT scores, what does that translate to?
You're fine. Keep after it. DD had more than one C in core AP classes. Your Instructor evals paint a better picture of you than your grades sometimes.
DD is now a Plebe. Athletics, Academics, in addition to all the other activities a 17 year old can be involved with indicate who you really are. These are the parts of the whole that count.
Retake those assessments and submit your best.

Go Army!