Height and Weight


5-Year Member
Dec 4, 2009
I got a letter in the mail today saying that I exceed Army standards for my height and weight...:confused:

I am female, 5'6'' and 120lbs. Mistake? Personally I definitely don't exceed standards by being overweight. The table says min is 117 max is 160 for my height. I also wonder if by exceeding they mean I could be underweight even though by definition that doesn't make sense.

Attached was a form to be filled out by my school nurse that I will be glad to complete. There is also a contact number for my regional director so should I call him and ask about this or just fill out the form? Thanks for the input.
Do you think a number could have been superimposed on your original app or physical? Maybe it reads 210 instead of 120.
Actually I was so anxious about this that I just called. My weight was recorded back in june as 117 so since that is the minimum they said that I am considered underweight. My regional director also said that it was weird that they offered me admission back in january without sending this letter beforehand. He said nothing to worry about as they shouldn't revoke my appointment for this... just eat a big lunch and head to the nurse to weigh me and such this week :shake:

Same thing happened to my son (but for USNA). The Dodmerb physician put the wrong height on the form. We never even knew, since you don't get a copy when you leave the office.

We contacted Mr. Mullen and he was able to help us. However, about a month later, we got the same letter again, so we just went to our family doctor and had him do the measurements. We were afraid if we didn't take matters into our hands, time might run out and he might not get an appoinment.

Good luck!
I had to do the same thing, but I had to complete a body fat analysis for being overweight, they want to make sure you are in a healthy condition