Hey there!


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Feb 12, 2008
First of all I'd like to start off by saying how great this site is, it's a shame I didn't find it earlier. Anyways, I'm a prospective candidate for the USNA class of 2012, just about to wrap up my application by taking my CFA this Friday. I received a nomination from Congressman Dan Lungren (Sacto, CA) to both the USAFA (which I turned down) and the USNA along with 6 or so other candidates. I'm all about adventure, I've played all types of sports throughout high school, carry outstanding grades, and hold a private pilot's license. I am one of the many who want to walk among the elite as a pilot in the Navy, and I am fully devoted to a lifelong career in the Navy, pilot or not.
Also, if any of you reading this have ANY questions regarding the application process, feel free to contact me without hesitation.
I am one of the many who want to walk among the elite as a pilot in the Navy, and I am fully devoted to a lifelong career in the Navy, pilot or not.

Now here's a kid with his head screwed on straight! :thumb: