Homework Load


5-Year Member
Nov 26, 2011
I was exploring some AFA related web page and ran across the schedule for a typical day. According to the schedule, "lights out" was at 11, leaving only 3 or 4 hours for studying.

First, I would like to know if this is true.
Second, is this "lights out time" strictly enforced? Does it mean everyone has to be in their bed sleeping, or just in their dorm being quiet?

Fairly often I have to stay up till the wee hours of the morning to complete my homework, especially when I have a major paper/project due. I know that college, especially AFA, will be even harder.

Do the cadets have enough time to finish their homework? I mean, I know they somehow manage to get it done, since cadets have been successfully graduating for over 50 yrs, but does the homework load reflect the limited amount of time cadets have to complete homework because of their athletic and military activities, or is it a continual battle to complete more homework than can possibly be done in the time given? (my current situation)

I will probably go anyway (IF I get in!!). I am sure all the stress is worth it. Even if it takes me several years to realize that :)
Almost done with my first semester here, I'll help you out:

-"Lights out" or Taps, plays at 2300 which means you must be in your room. In my squadron we can stay up til whatever time we want as long as we are in our rooms.

-ACQ (Academic Call to Quarters) is at 1950 which means required study time where upperclassmen can't mess around with you.

-There are 7 periods of classes each day. No one has a class each period on any given day. Those free periods can be used to study.

-All classes end at 1623. You can use the rest of time to study if you don't have mandatory squadron activities.

-Athletic activities for non-intercollegiate athletes = a PE class each semester, 8 lessons, during two Academic periods. Intramurals, every other day half of a semester, during 7th period. 2 fitness tests once per semester.

-Military activities = marching before meals, wearing uniform, keeping room clean, waking up early, weekly knowledge tests, and some mandatory events during certain weekends. Freshmen also might have mandatory training sessions after 1623 or 1523 on days without intramurals which can last up til 1830.
Here's a shorter answer: You will have adequate time to do your schoolwork if you take advantage of the time available, even as a four degree.

I might add, while I was there, I was working an average of 2 hours a night on school work. That's an average....I had my 6-8 hour days (likely a Sunday!), and many days at 1 hour or less. I was a biochemistry major.....no lack of coursework to complete!
It depends on what classes you have, how efficiently you work, and how well you manage your time.

If you start doing HW at the start of ACQ, go to bed at TAPS, and do all the required/recommended assignments, you will probably run out of time. People do well when they use free time during the day to study, and study efficiently.
Many cadets do OK by doing the the studying they need to do for the grade they want. (Did I read every page of every assignment? NOPE! I did read enough to intelligently discuss important topics, and get As/Bs in my courses, with a couple exceptions.)
your first two years will involve a lot of schoolwork because you are getting through the core curriculum, which is rigorous for anyone.

after that it highly depends on your major. if you want a cop-out major (like management) then you can get by with A LOT less work than if you went for a real degree (like science or engineering -- after all this IS the air force academy).
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