How do you earn flight hours for AFROTC?


Mar 8, 2020
Can you just earn flight hours by flying with someone; handling the stick/yoke, rudder, and throttle under the person's supervision, and have them sign it off in the log book as (a) flight hour(s) provided that they are CFI certified, or is it more complex than that?
Are you talking about in the AFROTC program specifically using that to build flight hours or just in general how you are legally allowed to log flight time which you can then use for an application towards AFROTC?
Yes, for when you are flying the plane under CFI supervision, you can log those hours in your logbook and you can take lessons etc.. You can begin taking flight lessons but cannot solo without a student pilot cert. In the US, a student pilot can only log time 1. when they are with a CFI (as dual). 2. Alone (as solo/Pilot in Command). You are not allowed to bring other souls on-board the plane (other than with the CFI) - say a buddy or relative until you get a more advanced license (PPL et al.). Recommended official site reading: