How lenient are they on waivers for flat feet?


5-Year Member
Jan 28, 2013
I'm coming to the realization that I'll probably get DQ'ed from AROTC for having flat feet. A few years ago, my doctor recommended I get arch supporters. I ended up getting customized orthotics for my shoes. However, I run track and crosd country year round and I've had no problems what so ever. Heck, I usually only use the orthotics while running anyway. So assuming I get DQ'ed, does anyone know how common it is for them to give out waivers for this, especially under my circumstances where I haven't had any problems running/walking/moving/lifting weights?
DS has flat feet and wears orthotics in his boots and shoes like you. We were also concerned about him being DQ'ed. He reported his flat feet to DoDMERB along with the fact that he has no resulting foot problems or pain. He was not DQed and is now a C4C at USAFA. So perhaps you will not require a waiver.