how many tickets are plebes allowed to buy


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
May 15, 2007
how many football tickets are plebes allowed to buy with the plebe packet that comes in the spring before I-Day.
Army, I assume. Two. Actually if one doesn't mind the slight suspense, the week of the game the online ticket markets have some decent deals for okay tickets. NAAA allows certain qualified buyers to buy up to 19 tickets and surprise of surprises, there are a lot of sellers who have up to 19 tickets for sale. If you want to sit on the Army side, they get real cheap by Tues or Wed.

There will, due to the cessation of undying love among other things, also be tickets for sale in Bancroft.
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No, plebe parents are allowed to request up to 4 tix ... as long as they last. None have been sent out to plebe parents yet.

AD Gladchuck sp? is an ace! One very sharp cat. He's brought order, prosperity, and alot of W's to a program that was in shambles prior to his arrival. Even adding more sports including women's lacrosse this year.