HS Junior looking for advice


New Member
Dec 12, 2016
Hello, I am currently a HS Junior, a white male, and I am looking for advice on how I should pad my resume and what I should try to do in the future to help make my application look more desirable. I will be taking the SAT and ACT early this Spring and again in the Summer months. Here are my accomplishments so far:

Varsity Football: 3 Years; Captain for next season
Varsity Wrestling: 3 Years; Captain for current season
Varsity Track: 2 Years (Will letter Spring)
Senior Cadet at my local full-time fire department: 2 Years, 4 years total in the program
BLS CPR/First Aid Provider Certified
2500 Community service hours
I will be getting a EMT-B cert. and Firefighter 1/2 Cert. in the Summer of 2017 and begin to work at that fire department part-time
FCA Member-3 Years
DECA Member- 2 Years
Student Council- 2 Years
GPA: 3.66
All A's but duel crediting in math my Sophomore year kind of hurt me, received a high 70% in one
I struggle in Math but took Geometry and Alg II my Sophomore year to challenge myself
I am currently in 3 ACP courses and plan to be in at least 2 my Senior year
My PSAT score is an 1100, if that helps

My academics are not the most impressive by any means but I hope that all my EC's will help me out. Any advice and words of wisdom would be much appreciated. Thank you all for your time.
Attend Boys/Girls State. It happens between the summer between Junior and Senior year. But the nomination process starts now. It is run by the American Legion https://www.legion.org/boysnation Check with you guidance office or your local American Legion. It will provide a huge boost to your leadership score.

Seems to be a that time of year when HS Juniors are starting to look for advice and "chance me"


Here is virtually the same question for USAFA. http://www.serviceacademyforums.com...more-competitive-applicant.52630/#post-517315
Attend Boys/Girls State. It happens between the summer between Junior and Senior year. But the nomination process starts now. It is run by the American Legion https://www.legion.org/boysnation Check with you guidance office or your local American Legion. It will provide a huge boost to your leadership score.

Seems to be a that time of year when HS Juniors are starting to look for advice and "chance me"


Here is virtually the same question for USAFA. http://www.serviceacademyforums.com...more-competitive-applicant.52630/#post-517315
Thanks, I will be sure to look into it.