I Day Tomorrow, Transit Time?


10-Year Member
Sep 27, 2010
how long did the trip from the stadium take on the bus, I asked multiple people today while on the yard. no one was sure how many busses, eta's, nada. any help from previous I days would be great!
5 minutes once you're on the bus, and they run continuously and often. Waiting time in the parking lot is usually very brief. 5- 10 minutes.

But either way ... if early or late ... it is of no real consequence. Don't sweat or fret over that one. They take you when you get there and have bussed ma and pa and grandma and high-5ed the lil bro ... and there's nothing more to say or do but pass through that door of Alumni Hall. Until you come out of Bancroft that eve, dressed in white works, looking for all the world, a prould Plebe in the United States Naval Academy Class of 2015!

And when those F-18s buzz Bancroft, the class and the crowd? One of those grand moments in life when you know ... THIS IS THE REAL DEAL! Hearts beat fast, tears trickle down dad's cheek ...
15 mins

thanks for the help whistle, there will be tears even before I see her under that N sign tomorrow afternoon
Well, let's hope so. You all should be mighty proud ... and thrilled about the journey that is beginning tomorrow. Not many like it. Take it all in,for in the blink of an eye... hats'll be tossed and this phase will be gone.
Good Luck To All: A wonderfull Four Years. Short time fom I-Day to Graduation. You can't believe how fast it goes from I-Day Plebe to 2LT Marine and Hat Toss. As WP said it is a" blink of an eye". Quantico next week and then Who Knows.?