I Day


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Jul 17, 2008
Looking ahead, I've discussed the possibility with my parents of going out to a few days early, by myself. My only worries are, how on earth could i get around. At 18, I'm not likely to get a rental car. The exception to age limits though, "Military or Government personnel on official orders renting at government rates may rent at 18 years of age," doubtful that would apply to me before I day. Is there public transportation in colorado springs? I'll be flying into colo. springs, likely, so i can get a taxi to my hotel. any other way to get around?

then again, maybe I'll just run everywhere...:shake:

Or: anyone have an experience like this?
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I think I read somewhere that we can stay with a family in the area if we choose to come early. If I'm only 17 on I day, my parents don't have to come, do they? All the forms are signed earlier, right? I think I can guess, but does anyone know what happens if you turn 18 during BCT? My birthday is on day 7, I think. :frown:
If you take the air arrangements from the Academy they'll probably fly you out the day before. I believe the AOG sponsors a bed and breakfast so transportation shouldn't be a problem. But going out a few days early won't help you adjust to the altitude - that takes about 3 weeks. Since you'll likely be the first in your group of friends to leave you may want to soak up as much time with your friends and family as you can - it's time you'll never get back. Plus you DON'T want to be the first one to show up on I-day - picture a "hungry" cadre and you're the first piece of red meat. Wait until they are "full" and are starting to lose their voices.
no, your parents don't have to come with you.

Birthday means extra special attention for you.
hahaha... yep, birthdays in basic are the best. sometimes the cadre may find a cookie or something for you to share with all 30ish of your classmates... lol. if you're 17, your parents do NOT have to come.

if you choose, the academy will fly you out the day before. you'll meet up with a sponsory family and stay the night with them. they'll take you to the academy the next morning. i did this, and it was the best option in my opinion...

coming out early at all wont help you with altitude. even now, i'm probably in the best shape of my life (which is pretty good) and still get out of breath goin up flights of stairs.. it just wont help. lol get used to it and drink a crap-ton of water (your cadre will make sure you do, i promise)... ;)
yeah, it stinks to ask permission to use the latrine, and have it denied!!! Going to the bathroom was one of the best things of Basic! But there will be those times when all 8 girls in the flight have to go at the same time, and we only get 3 minutes total! there are only 2 stalls!
so in everyone's opinion is it better to go to I-day on you own or with parents?
it really just depends on what you want. My roommate had her parents come down, and for her personally, that is what she needed. I came down by myself because it would be better for me. It really all just depends on what you want. You could make it a family vacation (go to Vail for 2 weeks to help get used to the altitude) or be more independent and take this next step of your life without your parents. Either way. If you come down alone, I'd highly suggest using the Bed and Breakfast program sponsored by the AOG. You will get to meet other in-processing Basics, and it's fun looking for them during Basic.
bleh i personally think it's better to come on your own. Makes it easier.
it does make it easier. when you first get to Doolittle Hall, there are tons of families just standing there, holding their child back from walking up the stairs. Some kids had to tell their parents that they had to go. For me, I just walked through all them and went up the stairs. I had no reason to stay behind. Talking to some classmates, they agree that those who came to the Academy alone had their "head on straight" when it came to our first encounter of Basic, especially for that first day.
It is a personal decision.

I chose to come alone and do the B&B program (if you come by yourself, do this program!) It worked for me, because I said my goodbyes at the airport, got to hang out with a few appointees, stay at an old grad's house, and not have to worry about anything but BCT on I-day. To me, that was a good way to go.
Others like to say goodbye at Doolittle Hall. If that's you, go for it.