I'm Back


10-Year Member
Jul 19, 2009
Hey everyone! I'm finally back after swab summer. If any prospectives have any questions or need any help with the admissions process, feel free to shoot me an email.
Hope your summer was one of total fulfillment,

Thanks for serving our country.

God Bless and God Speed,

Congrats Sam for making it through Swab Summer. So what company are you in now? My son's in Hotel -officer
Haha, I like the nickname Brotel. That's so cool you both ended up in the same company again. He called me last night while studying in the library. He said academics will probably be keeping him studying until 12-1300 every night.

How about you? Do you have that deer-in-the-headlights look yet after receiving all your textbooks and realizing the work load? Hang tough and if you see my boy, give a slug in the arm from me and tell him, "Hey you! Your mom says don't get discouraged--you can do this."

Thanks, Sam :smile:

There's no doubt that we get slammed with a lot of homework here, in addition to our 4/c obligations, military obligations, sports obligations, and community service requirements. I feel that I took challenging classes in high school, but this is definitely a step or 3 up from that. However, I also think a lot of it is about prioritizing and time management and staying ahead of classes by reviewing the material before hand. I know that I'm going to be going through some rough nights, but I feel that I should do reasonably well this semester if I have good organizational skills.